Monday, April 13, 2009

Lack of Blogging...

I apologize for the lack of blogging. I'm sure a lot of you are wanting to know what's new. Well this probably won't be TOO long, but here's an update:

I was on another Pilot called "Community". It stars Chevy Chase and Joel McHale. You should all recognize the name Chevy Chase. If you don't, you might know him from his birth name of Cornelius Crane Chase. No? Yeah, me niether. That really is his birth name though. He's probably best known as his role playing Clark Griswold in the famous National Lampoon's Vacation films. Joel McHale is the well-known host of "The Soup". This is an NBC pilot. Hopefully it'll all go over well and will be on air. Just look out for information on Community. I have no idea when it may air. I played a college student and did a lot of walking around in the background. Nothing too exciting.

I also just got booked today for tomorrow, and possibly Wednesday and Thursday for the popular CBS show titled "The Mentalist". I'll be playing part of the troubled youth. I have no idea how many of us there may be. We're going to be in a camping-style scene though. Say a prayer I get recalled for both Wednesday AND Thursday. That will be 3 strong days of work, aka money.

New news: Amy is moving back to Indiana for 3 months at the end of April. Kelly is moving out by the end of April and moving to who-knows-where. I will not be living in this apartment I'm in now at the end of the month. It's a little stressful. I'm looking for a new place. I hope I can find something before the beginning of May. So keep that in your prayers as well if you wouldn't mind.

Great news is that my cousin Adam will be out here on Friday to visit and spend about 8 or so days out here with me in LA! I can't wait!

I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Easter weekend. I know I did. Eric's mom invited me to their house to have dinner with the family. So me, Eric, his mom, his sister and her boyfriend, and their grandma were all eating a wonderful Easter lunch filled with steak, turkey, ham, potatoes, deviled eggs, mac and cheese, rolls, etc. I never expected to be invited anywhere, especially for Eric's mom, who I had only met a couple times, to invite me for something as special as an Easter lunch. But I was very grateful and thankful. She's a very nice person, and we all had a wonderful time. After eating and talking and telling jokes, we played some Texas Hold 'Em which is the first time I've played in over 3 months. I came in 3rd, but pretty much gave in late in the game. I stupidly went all-in and hit NOTHING on the board. I was done for. Eric's mom sent me with some leftovers and desserts and we headed to our 2nd destination of the day. I met a few really cool people out here this past week. I met Nora Friday. I had already met her roommates Caitlin and Sanford a week or so before that. Well Friday night at the Easter celebration at The Liquid Zoo, we had a great time with the karaoke and the prize giveaway. Someone who won a bottle of champangne didn't want it so he gave it to me. I guess before they left, Nora and Caitlin told Sanford and Josh to invite Eric and me to their Easter festivities. We headed over there after Eric's mom's house and ate food, drank drinks, hunted for easter eggs...all 98 that Sanford hid...and met a lot of really cool people. Post egg hunting, we played Catch Phrase. Our way of playing was whoever lost, whoever it buzzed on, they had to wear the sombrero and pick a band/artist and everyone broke out into one of their songs, sometimes it was a bloody mess of songs all at once, and sometimes everyone started on the same one. Hilariously fun night. Oh, and one of the best things of the evening was when Paityn informed us that Josh had proposed to her Saturday night! And she said no!.....just kidding...of COURSE she said yes! She showed us the ring and was very happy. I, too, am happy for both of them. They're a great couple. And being Sunday, we of course headed to Karaoke later. Eric and I met up with Paityn there and Nora, Caitlin, and Sanford all showed up a bit later. Another fun, successful night of karaoke.

Nothing much else to report for now. I'm without internet in the apartment, and may be until I move to a new place, which means I'll have to keep coming to the library, where I am now, or using Eric for his internet, which I hate to keep asking him.

Well I hope this was a good update for you all! I miss you all!

Until next time...

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