Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Q&A Time!

First and foremost: I would like to give a very special shoutout to my mother. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! It is her fi..*cough*...rst birthday today! ;-) So if you know her, you better wish her a Happy Birthday wish today :)

Now, let's get down to the Q&A. Some of you asked, and here I am to answer.

Peggy Sue Frye from Kokomo, IN asks: "If you could act with any actor/actress, who would it be and why?"

--Great question, Peggy! If I had my choice, it would have to be Will Smith. I am a huge fan of this guy and what he's done with his career. He's an actor/musician/father/husband/role model. He keeps his sanity, unlike a lot of actors out there. You don't hear about him feuding with people or all over the media in a negative way. He's been through it all, starting with his music as the "Fresh Prince" with DJ Jazzy Jeff, to acting on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, to all those movies and blockbuster hits he's starred in on the big screen. He's a loving father and husband. I admire what he does. I admire who he is. I believe he's somewhere at the top of the "Smartest People in Hollywood" (I'm agreeing with a past Entertainment Weekly magazine story). If I ever get to work with him, I will have hit a HUGE goal in my life of acting.
If I had to pick another choice, it would be the cast/crew from movies like Superbad, 40-Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, etc. The Seth Rogen, Steve Carrell, Jonah Hill, Michael Cera crowd. They make some pretty funny stuff.

Pamela Hawkins (aka my mom) from Kokomo, IN asks: "If you could ask advice from any famous person, and you HAD to follow their advice, who would you choose?"

--Tough question. I would like to sit down with one of two people. One being from a director's standpoint. That person would be Steven Spielberg. How could you NOT follow this guy's advice? He's brilliant with what he does. He's been around for years and has been quite successful through his career. From filmmaking, screenwriting, producing, and directing. He's done it all and doesn't usually let people down with his work.
From an acting standpoint, for some reason, Tom Hanks is sticking out in my mind. He's made some great choices when it comes to acting and has been quite successful as well in doing so. The Academy Award Winning actor proves time and time again he knows what he's doing and he's a very intelligent person.

Libby Brewer from Kokomo, IN asks: "What inspired you to choose acting as a possible career?"

--Funny you should ask. I guess after many years of Children's Theatre, Kokomo Civic Theatre, and Tipton Civic Theatre, you'd think I'd follow the same route and head out east to New York or somewhere known for their theatre. However, after a couple years post-IU, I got my first lead in a Kokomo Civic Theatre show, "West Side Story". It was then that I realized I wanted to act. But I didn't necessarily want to do acting in a theatre aspect. I wanted to try TV/movies. I have certain goals I'm wanting in my acting career. I would like to star in hit movies, a successful television series, preferably comedy-style, be a voice-over in a Pixar film, or some sort of animated movie, and win an Academy Award, or at least be nominated. Nothing too out of reach right? haha So I guess it was just years of acting and performing and it's what I love. I enjoy it everytime I do it. Who knows! Maybe when I get into this, I'll realize it really wasn't for me, but they always say: you can do anything you put your mind to, right?

Shayla Caddell (aka my sister) from Noblesville, IN asks: "Have you been to In-N-Out Burger and how big of a burger did you get?"

--This is a wonderful question, and yet a silly one. Of COURSE I've been to In-N-Out. :) It's pretty much a must-do when you're in LA. I got their Double Double Burger. It pretty much is an awesome burger. What I love most about that place is how they do their fries. Every person who orders an order of fries gets one whole potato that they send through a slicer right in front of your eyes into 100% vegetable oil. It's cool to know I'm getting a full potato. A very tasty place if you're ever living out here or visiting. I've only eaten it once since I've lived out here. I had it when I visited Joe back in '04 and once the summer of Shannon's wedding out here.

Peggy Sue Frye from Kokomo, IN asks: "Are you going to be taking any acting classes or special tutoring while you're there?"

--I sure do plan to. As a matter of fact, just last night at karaoke, this guy named Randy informed me he and a couple people are starting up an improv crash-course type of class that will be cheaper than most places out here, and yet people could come out of there and be able to skip a level at certain places. He and his co-starters with this have studied from Second City, which is a very respectable and popular place. I'm going to look into that and also other places. I need to get into a commercial workshop. I want to take acting classes to help improve my acting and any chance I may have to get better jobs down the road.

Peggy also asks: "Even though you've only been gone a few weeks, why does it feel like YEARS?"

--Haha at times, that's definitely a mutual feeling. I already want to come home to visit, but I try to hold back a little bit. No offense to any of you back home, it's just I want to give myself more time out here. It'll make me coming home to visit even better when I do. :)

Thank you so much for your questions!! Keep asking them, for I want to do another one of these soon! I hope I get more questions and even more people asking them.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Ok....I just have to say you were making me hungry for those fires that are at In-N-Out. You get the whole potato? :)

    I would have thought you would have gone into theatre at least from all the KCT shows that you have been in that I know of.

    You would make a great actor, and I hope that you do well. As they say: you can do anything that you set your mind to. So, good luck, Brendan, on reaching your goals.

    Also, when you do finally come back home to visit atfer being gone for awhile. Yes, it will make the visit even better. The only down side about that is you will have to go back. Of course, you will be probably visiting again so then that will back that visit even better, and so on.

    Miss you bunches, B!!!!!
