Thursday, February 19, 2009


Hello there my fellow readers. I haven't been able to get on here much recently. Hopefully today will be the last time I have to come to the library to use the internet. Since James brought over another computer, and we placed it on the opposite side of the room, we're hoping to catch a better internet signal there. Kelly says when she had her laptop, she got the best signal on that side of the room. Well she and Amy are going to buy a USB Internet adapter today. We'll plug it into the computer and try to get that up and running. I HOPE! I'm kinda tired of having to drive to the library any day I need to use the internet and only getting it two hours a day. I would rather have it at my fingertips whenever I need it. I just can't afford to buy my own laptop right now, otherwise I could pretty much go anywhere these days and pick up wi-fi.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine's Day weekend. I've never been a fan of the 'holiday'. It's always kind of been a Hallmark holiday to me. But I did celebrate our friend Matty K's birthday that night at the Liquid Zoo. I, oh so lovingly, sang "Love Stinks" by the J. Geils Band. Thought it would be fitting. :)

I forgot to mention something about last week. I was woken up to a knocking at the door. Standing there was a worker saying he had to come in and work on our kitchen and bathroom. But he wouldn't be going into the bedroom or anything like that, just those two places. I was a little confused, because I was never made aware of this. I told him our manager never told us anything about it, or at least never told me about it. I wasn't given any paper a day or two in advance like the last time they kicked us out of our apartment. I then asked him how long he needed in there. He replied with "all day". Are you serious? All day??? We didn't have to leave the apartment, but we were going to be without water all day. This is rediculous. I went ahead and let him in and he went to work moving everything out of his way in the bathroom and kitchen. I guess they were working on the whole apartment complex. This place (for lack of a better word) SUCKS! First asbestos, now water. All within a month of each other. Anyhoo, so I go into the girls' bedroom and ask them if they knew anything about this. "Oh yeah, they have to work on the water, we're going to be without water all day." Nice of them to tell ME! I guess our manager gave Amy a piece of paper about it and he also left a voicemail for Kelly. Niether of which was I told about. So needless to say, I had the brief "we told you didn't" argument. So I couldn't shower, flush the toilet, wash my hands properly, brush my teeth all day. That was such a crappy day. I sat around in the apartment all day, because I couldn't leave with guys coming in and our of the apartment at will. And they did just that. We left the door either unlocked or cracked open all day so they could come in whenever they needed to. I know a couple of the neighbors weren't too happy with it either. I heard them yelling at the guys working.
At about 7pm or so, we got our water finally turned back on, and I immediately jumped in the shower and scrubbed clean along with brushing my teeth thoroughly. In order to wash my hands at all, I had to run bottled water over my hands with the soap. It was difficult.

So hopefully we won't have anymore days like that. I don't have too many exciting stories.

OH! Tuesday night something kind of funny happened. I sang karaoke, as usual. And my third and final song was two from the end. After they finished the karaoke at 1:30 and it was pushing 2 o'clock, I was talking to Sam, Manny, and Louie when this girl approached us and said, "My friend thinks you're really cute and we were wondering..are you into guys or girls?" ....... I wanted to laugh, because that question completely caught me offguard. I told her, "I'm definitely interested in girls." "Ok," she said, "well I might just send my friend over here to talk to you." "That's fine with me," I replied, "I'm up for meeting new people." So I waited there as the girl left and continued talking to the guys and we all kind of laughed it off. Five or so minutes passed and no one came over. I had my back to them when Manny said, "That girl who came over here is talking to two guys." I think she might have been trying to hook me up with a guy, but when I said I was interested in females, plans changed. I don't know for sure, but I think that's what happened. Well it was time to leave and I went and talked to Kelly and that girl was leaving and she said, "My friend was too shy to come talk to you, but you are a really cute guy and seem really nice. Have a nice night!"
That was that. I shook her hand and I went home. That was a strange way to end the night. haha

I received a couple packages from home yesterday. They are always nice to get. One was a Hickory Farms box full of sausage, cheese, crackers, and a little bit of candy to have some snackage. The other was full of DVDs and snack foods my dad picked up at the grocery. I always get so excited opening those! I never know what's going to be in them. Unless of course I tell my parents what to send.

I was just informed we're going to have a little bit of a gathering at the *cough* small *cough* apartment. But it's BYOB, so hopefully we'll get some people to bring us drinks and snacks and we'll just hang out and have a good time. I would much rather spend my time finding a new apartment with the roommates, but I guess another day.....*bangs head on desk*.

My cousin Adam has booked his flight to come visit in April! I'm so pumped for that! Ben and Shayna are supposed to be here the week of St. Patrick's Day aka Ben's Birthday next month! I'm pumped about that! And Joe told me he might be out here next month as well! I LOVE that people are coming to visit! :)

I miss you all. I love you all. Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Just keep taking deep breaths, counting to 10 and praying. It helps sometimes:)
    Love you and so proud of you!!
