Thursday, February 26, 2009


Sorry for the delay, folks. It's hard to get on the internet sometimes. I have to go to the library or ask James to bring his phone and hook us up. But, I'm at the library now, so here we go.

For those of you that haven't heard from me, or my parents, I got another job with Central Casting as an extra in an "ER" episode. I believe the air date is March 26th. So set your recorders ;) and if I'm not mistaken, it's the second-to-last episode of the season. It's pretty cool to say I was involved with the last season of ER.

I don't want to give too much away with what I did for you avid watchers of the show. Not that it would, because nothing of it was ER-esque. I expected hospital-like background, with doctors and nurses and patients and such, and yet, I was a camp kid. And we were in a gymnasium. Totally not what I expected. The day ended up being a 13.5 hour day. I got paid for 12.5 hours of it, because the one hour extra was for lunch. What did I do you ask? I got paid to stand and dance. Yes you heard me, I stood there in an orange Hawaiian shirt, with leis, beads, and a nametag hanging around my neck, dancing to salsa music and then a band. So like I said, not very ER-esque. We did take after take after take. The coolest part of it all was seeing all the actors of the show. The first few I saw were John Stamos aka "Dr. Tony Gates", or as I like to call him: Uncle Jesse, Linda Cardellini who plays "Samantha Taggart", Scott Grimes or "Dr. Archie Morris", Laura CerĂ³n who plays "Nurse Chuny Marquez", and Angela Bassett who plays "Dr. Cate Banfield". I saw even more than that, like the Australian doctor David Lyons, Angela Bassett's husband Courtney B. Vance. The guest star: SPOILER ALERT! haha was Tom Arnold. Seeing him caught me completely offguard. Yet another actor, like John Stamos, who I never thought I'd see in person. I was in reaching distance to these actors throughout the day. Said hello to David Lyons. Scott Grimes was singing a song and pointed at me and sang a line. He was the goof of the group. He seems like a really funny guy, and has quite a resemblance to Simon Pegg.

Like I said, I don't want to give away everything I saw and we did. But I will say that I got to witness John Stamos play drums while Scott Grimes sang. They had to do the take over and over and over again, not because of mistakes, but because of all the camera angles they used. You might catch a glimpse or two of me. So definitely check it out on March 26th. Which I do believe is the air date. If that changes, I'll let you all know.

I met a really cool guy named Scott while we were on-set. He, like me, was cast as an "18 years to look younger camp kid". We ended up hanging out all day. He's been on an estimated 200 sets before with all the extra work he's done, so he was telling me about all the different jobs and shows he's done in the past six months or so. He informed me of an extra casting agency where he was getting jobs 7 days a week! He got many opportunities at SAG vouchers and he actually could join SAG now if he wanted to, but with the $2,400 fee to become SAG, and him not having the drive to be a big actor, he's not REAL interested.

I sent out an e-mail to a different extras casting agency, so hopefully I'll hear back from them soon. They are one who they'll call me for jobs, unlike Central Casting where I have to call them.

I'm kind of shorted on time today, I only have about 10 minutes left on here, but I'll try to get on later this evening. I am headed to Central Casting for an open call for an untitled Nancy Meyer's project, starring people like Steve Martin, Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, and John Krasinski. They need upscale-looking people pretty much. It's mostly in what you wear, so I'm going to go in my shirt, tie, dress pants, and slicked-over hair and all they're doing is taking a picture of us from the knee up. Those pictures will be sent to the director, and if I fit the look, they'll contact me and I'll either be working multiple days in April or maybe only one day in April. Depends on the category. So wish me luck! Keep me in your prayers, because I really want this job.

Take care all of you, I'll try updating this again soon.

Until next time...


  1. imdb lists this episode as "I Feel Good"

  2. So, Mr. Camp Kid Dancin' in a Gym...
    That is so freakin' cool! We will FO' SHO' be watching for your ER appearance! You go boy!
    Longer letter coming via snail mail... I've gotta keep Harv in a job, don't I?
    Love ya,

  3. Jim, makes complete sense why it would be called "I Feel good"...i'm laughing right now actually..haha just wait to see it :)
