Saturday, July 18, 2009


So last week I worked on Iron Man 2 for 5 days.
This week I worked on the show "The Closer" for one day. I also worked on the new ABC Family TV show "10 Things I Hate About You" for two days. I've been very fortunate with my work the past couple weeks.
What I haven't been fortunate with is finding a place to live. I've had a couple possibilities and they haven't completely followed through. I'm living out here day-to-day, couch hopping and such, not knowing exactly where I'm going to be from night to night. I'm out here on my own now, trying to find somewhere, and I feel a little lost. And considering I'm not in the best shape financially...well it doesn't help the situation. I'm doing what I can to work it out, and I'm getting some support from my family, but I'm starting to feel quite discouraged. I'm on the borderline of coming home for awhile, and getting my finances back in order, and coming back sometime. I mean, it's not like I have something set in stone out here. I signed no lease, I have no full-time job, I have no significant other...I'm pretty much a free spirit right now. I don't want to be looked at as some quitter or that I'm giving up. I already feel like that enough by myself, I don't really need it from others. I'm not saying I'm leaving yet...and I'm not saying I've been told those things from anyone, I'm just venting a tad. I'm trying to figure this out, but I don't know what the right choice is, and I guess I won't until I pick either to stay or not.

Anyhoo, I wasn't really going to say those things publicly but I let my fingers do the typing...and so that's how it is...

Dates for the shows I've been on will come later...nothing's posted yet...

Until next time...

Monday, July 13, 2009

What Grinds My Gears...

You know what really grinds my gears..? Sitting in between two people who pound the keys on the keyboard of a computer like the keys are made of brick. I mean don't get me wrong, I know not everyone was fortunate enough to have taken typing classes and/or taught themselves how to type correctly...but even the people who have to use their two fingers to type everything should know that they don't have to hit them with brute strength like they're pissed at the word. (Pardon my French)

Anyhoo...I gotta jet...but that's what really grinds my gears for today.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Iron Man 2

For those of you who haven't heard, I got a full 5 days of work on the feature "Iron Man 2". Iron Man 2 stars Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, Mickey Rourke, and Sam Rockwell. It's also directed by Jon Favreau. I got to see all of them except Don Cheadle and Mickey Rourke. It was quite a fun week. All five days, we were at the Manhattan Beach Studios in one of the large stages. The setting was NYC at Madison Square Garden. The first 2 days of shooting, there were 500 of us rocking out to music and dancers and then cheering on Iron Man/RDJr. The last 3 days, there were about 250 of us recalled. I kinda had to beg to be recalled. I talked the lady into keeping me. They were looking for business-type people, people who looked older. And that's never been the case for me. I told them I could clean up though, AND that I'm older than I look. So I put on my very nice suit and tie, and styled my hair, and BAM! We were part of a business/science expo thing that included us panicking and running for our lives. It was a lot of fun. Mrs. Martin (Paltrow) and Mrs. Reynolds (Johansson) are gorgeous in person. I found myself staring some, but I kept it cool. I didn't get to talk to any of them, but I'm pretty sure I made eye contact with them all. I was near the front of the stage in the first scene we did. And I was in the middle section, 2nd row on the last three days of shooting. There's a CHANCE I could be seen, but from what I hear, the movie won't be released for 8-10 more months. So we shall see!

Next up, on Tuesday, I'm going to be in the TV show "The Closer", starring Kyra Sedgwick. I'm a high school student (surprise surprise) who will be at a high school that a school shooting happens. So I could be running around scared for my life! Should be pretty interesting. Not sure at all when it will air, but I will make sure I inform you all when I find out.

I don't have a lot more to talk about, so that'll do it for this blog entry...

Take care...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I'm BACK!!

It's been quite awhile since I posted a full blog on here. I went home for six weeks and just never took the time to blog. I know, I know...slap on the hand. But I am now back in Los Angeles, after a cross-country road trip. I had a great time on this trip. My friend Joe Cameron came out here with me. He was planning on moving out here too, for a little while anyways. He's hoping to get some music stuff taken care of and I wish him the best of luck with that. I on the other hand am job and apartment hunting. I haven't made money in awhile now, and I surely do miss it. The good news is that I have my first job already booked since being back. I am booked on the movie "Iron Man 2" that is currently in the process of filming. The first one was an awesome movie, so hopefully this will be too. I'm working Monday and possibly Tuesday. I hope it is both days. More days = more money. And since that seems to be the biggest problem with my current life/situation right now, I could use every dime.
Our trip to LA started in Kokomo, IN on Thursday, May 25th. We made it as far as Lawrence, Kansas that night where we got a hotel and stayed. They had an included continental breakfast that next morning, so we totally took advantage of that, including taking bananas to-go. I only brought Granola Bars and Wheat Thins with me on the trip as it was, so I figured I could use a little healthy fruit in my travel diet. We left Friday around noon and drove to Denver, Colorado. Kansas is a very long, and boring state to drive through. Colorado on the other hand, is a fantastic state. The sites of the Rockies and everything around is awesome. We stayed in Colorado two nights. Joe had some friends in Denver, since he lived there for a year or so, and hadn't seen them in two and a half years. We stayed at his friend Bob's house the first night, and his friend Alissa's house the second night. We went out both nights, first to a place called The Waterloo, and the second night we went to the B-Side Lounge. The DJ at the Lounge was awesome, and every 3rd song or so, he'd play a Michael Jackson song. He ended the night with "Man in the Mirror". Such an awesome night! We then got a really late start and left in the afternoon to drive the very long drive to Vegas. I had driven the WHOLE trip until about 20 miles out of Cedar City, Utah when I realized I was just too tired to drive us any farther. I let Joe take over, and he got us all the way to Las Vegas. I didn't gamble a WHOLE lot, but the good news was that I came out ahead. My winning ways came from one of the penny slot machines I played and the Bonus Texas Hold'em Poker table I played at. Those dealers can be tough to beat, but I managed pretty well. I bumped my $50 up to $150 before losing a little bit of it before I left. We stayed two nights at the Sahara and got up early Tuesday morning to leave for Los Angeles. Joe had some sort of meeting to attend by 2pm Tuesday, and we made it great time.

On a separate note, this past month has been quite a sad time for celebrities and their families. We've lost 5 celebrities, at least, in the past month. RIP David Carradine, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays. Tough month.

It's crazy to see how much these celebrities have really made some sort of impact on people's lives. And it tends to really show after their death.

Well Joe and I are apartment hunting, and it's starting to seem like everything is just out of my price range. So I would like to start a donation fund. HELP BRENDAN STAY IN LA! I know it sounds silly, especially since I'm speaking out about it for myself...but if any of you would like to, and PLEASE don't feel obligated in any way, shape, or form...haha blahhhhhh....

Take care one and all...Until next time...