Sunday, July 12, 2009

Iron Man 2

For those of you who haven't heard, I got a full 5 days of work on the feature "Iron Man 2". Iron Man 2 stars Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, Mickey Rourke, and Sam Rockwell. It's also directed by Jon Favreau. I got to see all of them except Don Cheadle and Mickey Rourke. It was quite a fun week. All five days, we were at the Manhattan Beach Studios in one of the large stages. The setting was NYC at Madison Square Garden. The first 2 days of shooting, there were 500 of us rocking out to music and dancers and then cheering on Iron Man/RDJr. The last 3 days, there were about 250 of us recalled. I kinda had to beg to be recalled. I talked the lady into keeping me. They were looking for business-type people, people who looked older. And that's never been the case for me. I told them I could clean up though, AND that I'm older than I look. So I put on my very nice suit and tie, and styled my hair, and BAM! We were part of a business/science expo thing that included us panicking and running for our lives. It was a lot of fun. Mrs. Martin (Paltrow) and Mrs. Reynolds (Johansson) are gorgeous in person. I found myself staring some, but I kept it cool. I didn't get to talk to any of them, but I'm pretty sure I made eye contact with them all. I was near the front of the stage in the first scene we did. And I was in the middle section, 2nd row on the last three days of shooting. There's a CHANCE I could be seen, but from what I hear, the movie won't be released for 8-10 more months. So we shall see!

Next up, on Tuesday, I'm going to be in the TV show "The Closer", starring Kyra Sedgwick. I'm a high school student (surprise surprise) who will be at a high school that a school shooting happens. So I could be running around scared for my life! Should be pretty interesting. Not sure at all when it will air, but I will make sure I inform you all when I find out.

I don't have a lot more to talk about, so that'll do it for this blog entry...

Take care...

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