Sunday, March 1, 2009

Club Kress

First and foremost: HAPPY NEW MONTH! Hard to believe it's March already.

So I went to my first Hollywood club last night. The club was called Club Kress. Our friend Eric's best friend Michelle knew one or two people that were going to put us on a VIP list so we could get in. When we got there, it was pretty busy outside and they were only letting in certain groups at a time. The more girls you had, the better your chances. We were 3 guys and 2 girls. Luckily Michelle, while waiting in line, saw a friend of hers named Ryan. Ryan said "well why don't you guys just come in with us!" Within a couple minutes of him saying that, they let Ryan and his group and us in the gate and we headed downstairs. The place was dark, but with different color lights everywhere and packed tight. There was a huge dance floor in the center of the club. When we headed to the bar, Eric bought our first round of shots. I decided to get a drink after that, so I got a cost me $12. I couldn't believe I was actually paying $12 plus tip for a drink. But I did. Lesson learned. After we danced and hung out at the club, we all headed to Michelle's house and hung out and ate Carls Jr. Such healthy food. And shortly thereafter, James brought me back home.

I didn't get home till after needless to say, I slept in till almost 1pm. That's pretty much the update for now. I'm looking forward to getting my tax forms tomorrow so I can get my refund. I hope I get a lot of money. I could use it. It'll probably go to my credit card payment, or maybe just saved for rent. I'm also tomorrow going to call this place called "Standing Room Only". They pay people $8/hr to sit in an audience of different shows, like Dr. Phil and game shows and such. So I'm going to check that out and hopefully get some of those booked. Tonight is karaoke night at Ireland's so I'm planning on going to it and hopefully doing well.

Until next time...

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