Sunday, March 15, 2009

36 hours...

Hello again my faithful readers. That goes out to all my first time readers too. Now that I'm awake, I can update you on my two shows from this weekend.

Thursday, I got booked on two shows, one for Friday and one on Saturday. On Friday, I was going to be on a new pilot called "Lily" which, come to find out is the Gossip Girl Prequel. On Saturday, I was going to be on the oh so popular show called "House". I wasn't told right away what I was going to be doing on Lily but I was told I was the scorekeeper. So that sounded specific, so I was excited to hear because I might be seen pretty well.
The information (i.e. the wardrobe and call time) was going to be posted at 8pm Thursday night for Lily. At 8:30pm when I called, the call time was not posted yet. The wardrobe was going to be for a 1980's house party. I didn't really think I had much, but even if I didn't, I knew the wardrobe people on set would have plenty to give me. So I planned to take a few things I had but really didn't think they'd like. At 9pm when I called, it was not posted yet. James picked me up and we headed to Eric's house to "pre-party" for Jovanni's birthday party that night in Hollywood. I didn't want to drink OR stay out late, in case I had an early call, so I didn't. We left Eric's a little after 10pm, and still there was no call time. We headed to the place in Hollywood called "Happy Ending" for Jovanni's birthday. When we got there, Jovanni was walking out as we were walking in and he told us his table was right around the corner. I only know two of Jovanni's friends, and I didn't see either of them, so we just walked around and checked out the place. They were having a Beer Pong tournament upstairs, so Eric and James signed up for that, and later signed up for the Flippy Cup tournament. I was getting tired, and frustrated, because through the night, I would call the number and no call time was posted. They did update it, however. At 10:20pm, a message was posted: "We still don't have the call times yet, so please don't call the emergency number to find that out. Just keep checking back through the night." I'll skip ahead, and after leaving the bar, and getting back home at 2am...yes, 2am...there was still no posting for call time. I set my alarm for 5am, for fear the call time would be early, and at 5 when I woke up, the call time had been updated sometime after 3am and my call time wasn't until 4:30pm. THANK GOODNESS! So I went back to sleep, but only slept till 9am. I couldn't stay asleep. So I got up, got directions for the Chatsworth area I had to go, and hung out till a little after 3pm when I left.
When I arrived, I got my voucher and headed for wardrobe. They put me in my gray pants, my blue suit jacket, but they gave me a short-sleeved peach shirt, and a tie they called their "magical tie" and a pair of black dress shoes. We were a bunch of rich kids (18-30ish) at a party and the year was 1983. We got to stand in line for hair and makeup, but only the girls got makeup. And all they did was brush my hair to the side and hairspray it. We then were told we wouldn't be starting till 7pm, which turned into 8pm. They took us to this huge mansion that had a super long, twisting driveway that was up in the hills of Chatsworth. It had an AMAZING view. When we were on set, we all were placed here and there inside and outside. We were split up into 3 groups. The cocaine group, the dancers, and the church-goers. I was in the dancers group. So while "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol played, we were given a variety of drinks as props and we were supposed to jam to the music. Dance like fools, so I did. Thank goodness for Footloose and the Breakfast Club. I just tried to think those things in my head the whole time. Needless to say, after the many takes we did of that, I was wiped. We broke for "lunch" at 9pm. But they fed us, and they fed us WELL. Tuna steak, chicken, salad, vegetables, rice, bread, desserts.. YUM! We then were taken back to the mansion after lunch and were placed at different spots here and there. Still mostly danced. Watch a fight break out (it was part of the scene). We interacted with the actors of the show. Come to find out, the one recognizable face I saw was the star, who will be playing Lily, and that was Brittany Snow. Best known for her role in "American Dreams" but also in movies like "John Tucker Must Die", "Prom Night" (2008), and "Hairspray". She's even better looking in person than on TV. I talked to the guy, who was the lead in this episode, a little bit, but I don't really know who he was. He and I shared an odd, random handshake at one point. I don't know, but it was still cool. And I know what you're going to say, but I'm almost certain Brittany Snow was checking me out. I'm just saying. We caught eyes quite a bit. But that's besides the point :)
There were a few instances where I was either RIGHT next to the featured actors, or right in line with the camera angle, so I should be seen here and there throughout these scenes of this episode. One in particular, you'll probably see me or my hand taking a drink of the drink I was given. The coolest part of the night, was at about 5am, while we were still on set by the way, this guy shows up and starts hugging a lot of the crew members. He looked like a crew member himself. Almost all in black, and was wearing a black hat backwards. He made his way inside and outside while shooting was going on and it wasn't until he was outside that I did a double take and realized who it was. It wasn't some random crew person. It was Zachary Levi! For those of you who aren't familiar with his real name, you might know him better by the name of "Chuck". He's the star of the show Chuck, one of my favorite shows, and he's right here in person. The reason he was there hugging all the crew was because the crew that was working this also worked/works the TV show Chuck. It was a fun night, but here's the kicker, we weren't finished till 6:30am Saturday morning. I've read online, the Pilot episode will appear on TV on May 11th! So mark your calendars!

Through the night, I didn't have the call time box number OR the wardrobe number to find out what I needed for House. So when I was wrapped, I got on the FIRST shuttle from set that was taking us back to the cars. I called the number and found out I, the scorekeeper of this episode of House, was needed at 9:00am. Blehh... I had enough time to drive home, shower, get dressed, pack my bag, and write down directions and leave. Literally no time to sleep. I got to the set and the only thing for wardrobe they changed me wearing was my zip-up hoodie. Easy fix. They gave me a plain gray one. My job as 'scorekeeper' was to sit at the scorer's table and act as though I was keeping track of points on this clipboard I had. We were at a wrestling match. I don't want to give a lot away for you avid House watchers. But I sat the whole day. I sat and one guy next to me worked the electronic scoreboard while I made notes of scores. They had camera angle after camera angle. I again, will probably be seen. Kind of in the distance, but you still might see me. I have a feeling this episode will air April 27th! I don't know that for certain, but I'll try finding out more specifically when I do know. My day on House lasted 10 hours. So by the time I got home and in bed, I was awake for 36 hours straight. No nap. No joke. 36 hours... I slept ALL through the night. Not waking up once. I hope my neck stops hurting though. I think it's sore from all the dancing and all the standing. I'm probably going to take it easy today. Maybe I'll get some work for tomorrow. And headshots on Tuesday!! I'm so excited!!

Well I hope you enjoyed this entry. I apologize about the length, but I had a lot to inform you about.

Take care, I love and miss you all, hope to hear from you soon!

Until next time...


  1. 36 hours working without sleep?? who are you, P Diddy?

  2. OMG... you are SO the man, B. I am so proud of you. Hugs and thanks for the updates. You KNOW I'll be watching... especially Desparate Housewives and House, since those are two of MY shows!
    Love you SO much!

  3. CHUCK???!!! I am speechless....thanks for the update!!

  4. Hello Brendan,
    Your dad stopped by the house to give us all your updates! Congrats on everything - we are proud of you! All is well here just plugging away at life! Love you and take care of yourself. Michaelene and family

  5. I hope Zachery realized he was "that close" to you! Just think... If you play your cards right, you could be the next Morgan!

    I gave Gib a pre-release DVD of TCT's Seussical Jr. to give to your parents to give to you when they fly out to visit. The play was awesome. Worthy enough of you to come home and watch. But... since you would rather "Dance with Yourself", I guess you'll have to settle for the DVD.

    Miss you and look forward to seeing you on the tube!

  6. I am enjoying reading your blog. I hope you keep it going. Man, that's a long 36 hours! I'll keep my eyes peeled for your episodes to air. Congrats.

  7. I am going into the other room to set my DVR immediately to see you on TV. This is so exciting!!! And not to mention I absolutely love the show Chuck! I hope you are able to keep caught up on sleep so you don't get burnt out before you make it big and keep booking jobs. Who would of known one of the original St. Joan crew would be on national television! Congratulations on all your hard work paying off!
