Thursday, March 5, 2009

Desperate Housewives

For those of you who haven't heard, I got another extra job, this time on Desperate Housewives. I wish I could give you an air date, but I wasn't told an episode number. Don't quote me, but I'm thinking it might air March 15th. Not for sure though. I think there are only 4 episodes left to air in the season, so what's four shows of watching it to see a familiar face? :)
I played a student in an all-boys prep school. I was wearing a white button down shirt and khakis with a maroon/dark red pullover sweatshirt with a Harry Potter-looking emblem patch.

Let me lead you up to that though.

Tuesday night Kelly left to talk to her friend, even though she didn't want to. So we made up this plan, that if she didn't want to be there, she'd text me a code word and I would call her telling her I needed the car. (Amy wasn't home) So she left, and not 15 minutes later I called the number I was given to check for wardrobe, and whatever else I needed for the shoot on Wednesday. I was told I needed a white dress shirt and light khakis. Well I had no light khakis, only brown dress pants and a white dress shirt that's more like a suit shirt. I wanted a plain white button-down. Anyhoo, so I text'd Kelly telling her "funny thing..I actually DO need the car..haha" reply. So I text'd her again, "I need to go buy clothes for tomorrow and I want you to come with me." .....still no response. I wanted her there because she said she could get me a discount at Macy's. I tried then calling her, twice, and no response on either. Macy's closes at 9pm and it's now 8:20pm or so. I have 40 minutes! So I call James to find out if there's a nearby 24-hr Wal-Mart. He gives me an address and phone number of the closest one, being about 10 minutes away, and so I call them. They're only open till 11pm. It's now 9pm, too late to go to Macy's, and still no word from Kelly. I'm a little concerned now, because she's usually good about having her phone on her. I give it time, sit around, and at about 9:45pm, and still no word from her, I give in and call James up. "I need a huge favor, and I'm so sorry, but can you take me to Wal-Mart?" He replied, "Yes, I'll be there in a bit." I feel terrible for asking him, especially because it's almost 10pm, karaoke started at 9:30, I figured he was going to go, I was keeping him from that, I am without my own car. I wasn't going to go to Ireland's because I had a 7am call time in Pasadena. Well we made it to Wal-Mart by 10. I found a little-bit-too-small-for-me pants, a white button down, and a casual black belt. I had a really dressy one, but I didn't want to wear it, it's too fancy. I bought James a Kit Kat Bar at the register, told him to pick something out. And handed him the last $4 cash I had in my wallet. He dropped me off back at the house and he headed to karaoke. Now that I got my stuff home, I can go to bed, right? WRONG! My shirt is as stiff as cardboard, so I need to start a load of laundry. It's now around 10:30 or 10:45 and I'm fixing mac 'n cheese, because I've had no dinner, and I've started my load of whites. Not to mention, I need to iron my pants I just bought. By the way, still no sign from Kelly, and Amy's not home yet either. I get a text then from James telling me Matt LeBlanc was there. Then he tells me Cedric Yarbrough is there, he's the guy from such things as Reno 911 and the 40-Year Old Virgin. Then he tells me the guy, who I've seen before, from Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place is there, Richard Ruccolo. What is this, celebrity night at Ireland's?? I HAD to see these guys! So I call Amy, no answer. She then texts me shortly thereafter telling me she's on her way home. I told her we have to go to Ireland's, please take me. She gets me, we get there, I walk up to the front from the back, and walk RIGHT by Matt LeBlanc, aka Joey, standing out front, smoking a cigarette, talking on the phone. He looks a lot different. More gray hair than I've ever seen him have on TV. Then I get inside and am welcomed warmfully by my Ireland's buddies. I then see Cedric, and Richard is up on stage singing. The place is packed. Before I got there I had James sign my name up so I can sing one song and leave. Five or ten minutes into being there, I receive a long text from Kelly telling me that she's so sorry and when she got where she was going she was surprised with them wanting to take her to dinner and she left her phone in the car. I called her and had her put my clothes in the dryer. When my chance came, I sang "The Middle" again and went on my way. I got home, got my clothes from the dryer, put the mac 'n cheese I didn't eat into the fridge and went to bed. It was pushing 1am when I finally laid down, so I just knew 5am was going to come REAL soon.

I got up in plenty of time, put my stuff together, ironed my pants, ate a bagel, and was out the door by 6am. I made it with flying colors a half hour early. They shuttled us over and in that shuttle sat a guy who looked super familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. He was there, just like all of us background actors, dressed the same. I didn't know if I had seen him at another shoot, or had already seen him on TV or a movie somewhere. The day went on, we did some walking in the background, some of us holding backpacks, silently interacting with whoever was next to us as we walked by. If he wanted us to, he would send us back to the other side, and we did this about 5 or 6 takes. The whole time, some of the Housewives cast was right there in front of me. Within about 5 feet of me. Teri Hatcher, Eva Longoria Parker, Marcia Cross, Felicity Huffman, and Kathryn Joosten. They're all really gorgeous in person. We also did a shot outdoors, doing the same thing walking back and forth whenever we were directed to do so. And I was walking RIGHT by the actors. I was right next to them a couple times when we were re-setting. I think I made eye contact with all of them at least once haha. They fed us a feast for breakfast, snacks, and lunch. For breakfast, they had bagels, all kinds of cereals, fruits, donuts, milk, juices, granola was crazy. And for what they called our "snacks" included rice, taquitos, sandwiches, lasagna, a sausage and vegetable mix, guacamole, all KINDS of things. And for lunch, we had steak, chicken, salmon, pasta, salad, bread, vegetables, and dessert. I took a to-go container with me for my dinner :)

Overall it was a fun day, and a lot shorter than the other previous two I've done. This was only an 8-hr day, but I was done by 3pm and headed back home.

I want to wish my Godmother, Suzan Jones, a Happy Birthday! (March 4th)
and I very Happy Birthday to my twin cousins Amber Gibson (March 4th) and Adam Gibson (March 5th)
Also to my friend, and blog reader Chelsea Parham in Indiana (March 5th) and my buddy Matt Armstrong in, I think Georgia (March 5th) a very Happy Birthday to them!

Any questions, please ask!

Until next time...

If you're birthday is on a day or near a day I post, I'll try wishing it to you on here!


  1. Dear! I'm so excited for you! :-) I keep making notes in my planner for when I have to watch the shows your on, but I don't have cable so I'll have to sneak back to the hotel I work at to watch you! lol I had a guest check in tonight who sounded just like you, but he didn't seem to care as much as I did that you two sounded alike.. :-) Oh well.

    I miss you dear! I'm thinkin about you!

  2. Looks like your moving on up! COngrats Brendan! WIsh you the best of luck in all your endeavors!
