Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Improv and Headshots

Welcome back you reader you. It's been almost a week since my last update, and that's just WAY too long. So here we go:

This past Sunday, I attended my first class on improvisational techniques, aka improv. It was a 3-hr crash course taught by two guys named Jon Smith and Randy Gordon:
There's Randy's page, made by my friend James Young.
They're working to get an improv academy setup with the Avery Schreiber Theatre and start teaching improv classes. This class was something that anyone with or without improv training could take to learn a thing or two and to pretty much get the basics on improv. To get people familiar with it and interested in moving on with improv. They were teaching basic fundamentals, which they really push because they believe they're the most important things about improv to know and remember. So I've talked things over with Randy, and we're going to work something out for me to take the class they'll be starting, maybe even audit it, take a few free classes so I can get the hang of things. He's being really cool and helpful about the whole thing, so props to him. It was definitely a fun class though. Only 3 people showed up, and then Jon and Randy, so five total. They gave us a basic overview on improv, and that a big thing about it is to stay out of your head, and not TRY and be funny. If you let go, and just go with things as they transpire, it will be easier, and feel more natural. We did some activities, with Jon and/or Randy starting us with a brief scenario, and GO! I was completely lost at first, but by the end of the class, I was having a good time. They would setup scenarios, or give us characters, and sometimes they'd freeze us midway and switch where we were or who we were. It was definitely challenging to be able to just jump into things like that, but I'm definitely willing to learn and try it out. Improv training's a great thing to have out here, especially for actors.

Now, the second part of my blog title is "Headshots". I officially have a date set to get my headshots taken with a lady named Lesley Bohm. She's been around and doing the photography for 20+ years. She's shot many well-known faces in the acting world. I had an appointment set up with her today at her studio in downtown Los Angeles. We met, and she showed me around her awesome studio, and told me a bit about herself. She even gave me water and we ate strawberries...random I know, but she's a very nice person, very personable, and VERY talented. And with talking it over with my parents, we both agree we love her work, and so it's settled! March 17th, aka St. Patrick's Day, I have my day for shooting :) <---that's her website, take a look, I'd love to hear feedback what you think.

So James and I have found out we pretty much rock it out everytime we sing "Africa" by Toto on nights when we go out for karaoke. I told him I'd take the higher harmony. The first time we did it, we were doing well until I cracked a little bit right at the end when it gets WAY up there. I give it up to people like the group Toto, and Straight No Chaser for being able to get up there with ease..haha But last night, we sang it again so I could redeem myself. I told James, at the very end, for him to switch me and take the high road of the song, and in doing so, we nailed it, and I was crack-free. (Which I'm always crack-free, just so you know) :)

I don't have too much else to chat on here about. I'm trying out the new craze known as Twitter. It's better for those who have the internet at their fingertips anytime they want, unlike me who only gets it 2 hours per day, if that.

I gotta go call Central Casting to try and get some jobs setup. Wish me luck!

Can't wait to see my parents! They're coming out here for a week starting on the 21st. I'm pretty stoked about that.

Keep my friend Harvey in your prayers! I hope the doctor visit went well today!! CALL ME DUDE! :)

Well I love and miss you all!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. YES! You chose Leslie to take your shots!! Serious good move man! You're going to be glad you did that! Although I'm jealous...she never gave me strawberries. :/
