Friday, January 30, 2009

First Central Casting Job!

This will be a quick post, but just to inform everyone, I called Central Casting today and listened to their automated system that reads off possible jobs. There was one listing for a job Wednesday, February 4th. It is for a pilot called "The Middle" on ABC. They were looking for males, who were or looked 18 years or younger, not too tan, not big and muscular, high school-looking, for a show based in Indiana. Tell me how that could not be more perfect!

So I'm booked for that on Wednesday, as an "audience member" for the show. I don't know what I'll be doing, what I'll be wearing, or where I have to be specifically. I'll know all of that Tuesday night.

YAY! Until next time...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Central Casting Member

So I really should get a journal. (yeah I know mom)... But if I had a journal, I could first write it in while things are happening or immediately after they happen and I wouldn't forget so much that has happened inbetween days that I get to get online and update this thing. I could directly read the journal and type in the blog. Oh's on my to-do list.

So as I've said before, Sundays and Tuesdays are karaoke nights at Ireland's. Tuesday came around and I asked the girls if they were planning on going, but they weren't too sure. I got a text from James asking me if we were going because he was going. So he agreed to come get me since the girls didn't want to go. We got there fairly early, about 9:50pm-ish. There were a lot of people at the bar watching and cheering on the Lakers. I was hoping they would lose. But obviously I wouldn't say that too loud around a bunch of Los Angeles-ans...Angelesians...Angeles-ites... I dunno. Anyhoo, so I took forever, as usual, to look at the book and figure out what I was going to sing as my first song. Some people had gotten up there a couple times before James, Joe (his friend I met that night), or me had gotten up there once. So I chose "The Remedy" by Jason Mraz. It's a song I enjoy, but at the same time, I figured people knew it well enough that they would enjoy it. As the night started to progress, the bar started to pack. A BIG group of people came in because one of their friends was moving to Brazil to teach English. A bunch of people signed up for karaoke, so I was hoping that after my first song, I'd get a chance to do my second one I had picked out.

I got up to do "The Remedy", and as I had hoped, a lot of people were dancing, enjoying themselves, singing along, etc. So I thought it was a successful choice. Then while we (me, Joe, James) were sitting at our table, this kind of short, very familiar-looking guy walks up to the book o' songs. I immediately turn to Joe and ask him who this guy is. He recognized him too, and I looked at James, and James was trying to figure it out as well. It hit him. James told me he is in the Big Bang Theory. Simon Helberg is his name. This cast really likes this bar obviously. So I looked around and sure enough, there were Kaylee Cuoco and Johnny Galecki. They brought in a small group as well.

So I had signed up for my second song, "Semi-Charmed Life" by Third Eye Blind. When I, luckily, got up there to sing it, I felt I was doing really well, and I noticed a lot of the crowd was into it. I also noticed Kaylee and a guy were dancing to it, so I thought that was pretty cool. So after I got off the stage, I took a drink of my beer, and after the next person sang, I went up to Kaylee and gave her a high five and told her that she did a great job dancing. She replied with, "Well thanks!" So yeah, that was that. was corny but cool.

The final song of the night was "Piano Man" by Billy Joel. This big group of people got up there to sing. The group included all the people from the Big Bang Theory and their friends. The whole time they were swaying back and forth and back and forth. I stood right up front next to the stage where there's this wooden railing, singing and swaying along. Next thing I know, halfway through the song, Johnny Galecki comes out of the middle of the pack, and reaches his hand out to me and pulls me up on stage! It was quite unexpected to be honest. I sang along with them putting my arms around a guy I met out here named Sam, and Simon from the show, swaying back and forth to some Billy Joel. I noticed Kaylee would step out of the group to turn and take pics of all of us, so I'm sure if I found her MySpace, I might be able to find pics of all of us. So that was a pretty cool thing to happen.

During that night, a girl came up to me and asked me if my name was Brendan. Yes... "You know Joe Cameron, right?" .....Yes... Then I KNEW she looked familiar. Her name is Laura Nargi. I met her through people going to Joe's shows back home! It was crazy to run into her in LA of all places. Anyhoo, we talked a bit. I checked my Facebook today and noticed she tagged me in a pic of me with that big group singing. Kaylee's actually in that pic. She's the blurry blonde up front on the left of the picture.

Anyways, yesterday (Wednesday) James came to pick me up and take me to Central Casting so I could register for that and become an "extra" or "background actor". We stood in a HUGE group of people, listening to all the forms we needed, what we should know about Central Casting, so on and so forth. I had the forms already, thanks to James, and filled them out before I got there. They finally split us into two lines and we turned in our forms and they checked them over, showed them our IDs, then they handed back the forms and we went to the "photo line". I stood in line for about 15-20 minutes and when it was my turn, I paid my $25 photo fee, got my picture taken, and got my papers telling me I am officially registered with Central Casting. I can call everyday looking for jobs. They'll tell me the list available, and if any of them are suited to me, I can immediately then call another number to register for a part. They will tell me the day/time/location of where I need to be and when. I arrive, work for about 8-12 hours that day, and get paid by check the following week. Pretty cool agency.

Well I think I've said plenty for this entry. If any of you have been on Facebook since yesterday, you might have noticed I posted about 11 pictures. I will try posting more very soon.
KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS for my future Q&A entry!!!!

Oh, and the Lakers lost to the Charlotte Bobcats in double OT 117-110 :)

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Price is Wrong

Well hello again. It's been a couple days since I've been able to post, so I apologize for the delay. But here ya go:

So Sunday was pretty fun. Well, Sunday night. We went to Ireland's for the karaoke night. Of course! Unfortunately this time, all my drinks didn't get paid for...haha But I definitely enjoyed myself. I got to sing 3 songs: "Time of Your Life" by Green Day, "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King, and "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies. I met a few new people, which is always fun. At the end of the night, which was at 2am, Kelly, Amy, Christian, Renae, Scotty and I all went back to the apartment to chill and hang out. We ended up watching two movies and was up till past 5am. Stupid...stupid move. That caused Monday to be a day of laziness, except for Kelly who had to get up at 9am and go to work. Amy was up and out briefly, but came home and slept most of the day/afternoon and I laid around and watched TV and napped briefly. So it wasn't much of a productive day.

Today, however, was much more fun. Except for the getting up at 5:30am part. Monday night Kelly talked to Scotty and he was inviting us to go to the Price is Right today and try to get on the show. It's free, you just have to stand in line for a long time. Well I was the only one willing to get up that early. So I got up at 5:30am so I could meet Scott at the bus-stop at 6:30 so we could head to North Hollywood and there take the subway to where we were meeting his friend Jenna. When we met up with Jenna, she drove us to the lot and we met up with their friend Chaz. Both people I just met today on this endeavour. Both very cool people! Chaz is in a band. Jenna's a clothing designer. Both around my age so that's cool. Anyhoo, we walked towards the crowd of people waiting. We each got our ticket with a number on it. Our numbers being 413-416. When they FINALLY called our numbers to get in numerical order and sit on Bench #3 of 5 benches or so, we realized we were pretty much the back of the pack. We had been there for about an hour and a half or so. If you take a big group there, like 15-20 people, you're pretty much guaranteed to get on, but since we were a measly group of 4, we had to wait in line like everyone else. They barely got into the 300's when they came over the intercom telling us they apologize, but we won't be able to get you in for the 1 o'clock show. We could all stay for the 4 o'clock show but we weren't guaranteed we'd get in, we'd just have a better chance. So no Price is Right for us today. Scott was mostly looking forward to having one of the nametags. I'll try again some other time. Oh, and we didn't stay for the 4 o'clock showing because Scott had to get back for work by 2 or 3. So being only 9:30, we decided to head towards the Farmer's Market, which I recommend to anyone that has never been whoever may visit or take a trip to LA. It's made up of a bunch of little shops and min-restaurants, all outdoors. We sat down and had some breakfast and coffee, the four of us. And from there we just hung out at the table we were sitting at and chatted. I met a couple new people and we had a good time. We plan to all hang out again someday soon. Probably by this weekend if we go to Scott's for a Super Bowl party.

Being invited to a couple Super Bowl parties greatly excites me. I've been without TV for 3 weeks now and I missed all football playoffs except for the Colts game before I left for here. And for my Indiana friends, you better believe I'll be rocking the Bob Sanders Colts jersey Sunday I brought with me.

Well I'm going to register, for sure this time, with Central Casting tomorrow. I'm in the process of getting my measurements they need- neck, waist, inseam, etc. And hopefully once I get that setup I'll be getting called for extra work. Tomorrow's also going to be a job searching day. So hopefully sooner rather than later I'll actually have a job.

As always, I love and miss all of you. Thank you for the questions so far! Keep them coming!! Also a lot of you have been wanting me to post pictures. Well, I got all the pics I want to post so far on my flash drive, but the Library won't let you upload them onto their computers, so I'm going to bum internet off of my friend James and get that going and uploaded within the next day or so. Probably tomorrow since I'm going with him to Central Casting.

Until next time...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another Week, Another Package

So I'd like to start this entry by telling about my day yesterday. As I mentioned before, we were told we needed to be out of the apartment from 8am-5pm yesterday. The roomies and I got up, got ready and left by 7:50. For whatever reason, Amy was having a craving for McDonald's breakfast. If you don't know this about me, I RARELY eat McDonald's. But I figured what the heck...I'll join. I truly wasn't going to get anything except some orange juice, but my childhood memories brought me back to the oh-so-popular Egg McMuffin Meal...the #1. So I ate it, and as I thought, I knew immediately it was a bad idea. Felt terrible right away. For my friends who went to St. Pete, it was like going to the Starlite Diner, except with worse food.

From there, we hit the 7-11 for some snacks. From there, we headed to the library to internet it up. I stayed on from 11am-1pm and the girls went from 10:30-noon. They left, while I had another hour, so Kelly could go talk to T-Mobile and run a couple other errands. When they came back to get me, we went to a Vietnamese restaurant called "Pho's 999". Strange title, strange menu, and for you California/restaurant knowledge people, it was the first "B" restaurant we have eaten at, which immediately made Kelly and me apprehensive. Not to mention we had never had Vietnamese. Well Kelly didn't like it one bit, but I got some chicken, shrimp, and squid with white rice spicy dish that was surprisingly good. From there we hit the Sherman Oaks Galleria so Kelly could discontinue her 24 hr Fitness membership. I took a look at DSW for some new shoes, and the two styles I liked, of course they didn't have my size. Maybe another day. We headed to the mall where Kelly works and walked around a bit. It's a pretty decent-sized mall. From there we headed to an amazing coffee shop called "Marie et Cie" where I ordered a sugar-free Vanilla Latte that was actually very VERY good. Kelly and Amy had a business meeting with someone there. We then headed home because it was finally after 5pm and we could go relax in our apartment. We spent the night talking and listening to music and just relaxing.

As for the package, I was waiting on one from home of some things I asked my mom to send me (via USPS this time), and some things I didn't ask for, but was pleased to see. The only problem was, I was expecting it to be delivered yesterday or today. I was hoping for today because yesterday we were out of the apartment all day. When we got home, I saw no notice so I just assumed it didn't get delivered. This morning around 9 or 10am, I called my mom to have her check the status of the package. Come to find out, she said the site told her they "tried to deliver it and left a notice". Again, no one had buzzed or anything telling me they tried to leave it. Sound familiar? So I called the Post Office and their recording said they tried to deliver it FRIDAY! The day I was out of the house all day. So I put on a hoodie and some flip flops and walked to the nearby post office and luckily, they had it. All I had to do was show my ID, and sign for it. Thank goodness that was FAR less of a hassle than last week's package.

Not too much more to discuss...Monday I'm going to register for Central Casting where they hire people to do extra work on set aka background actors. That should bring in some cash here and there whenever they call me with jobs.

I'm going to go enjoy another rainy evening in California. Take care all you readers and followers.

I still need questions, if you have any, for my future Q&A blog entry!! Keep them coming!

Until next time...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rainy Thursday

So I experienced my first California rain this morning since I've been out here. It wasn't a whole lot of rain, but even the littlest bit out here can cause minor flooding here and there. Their draining systems aren't as good as I'm used to back in Indiana. There was a small pond, it seemed, at the corner of Moorpark and Whitsett (where the library is) that stopped my plan of crossing the street to chill at a coffee shop until the library opened. I parked the car at the library with an hour to spare before the library opened. I walked down the sidewalk to the cross-walk. As I stood there, I kept my distance from the corner because of the cars flying by splashing up water. So when I finally got the walk sign, I stopped...starred at the lake in front of me, and decided to forget that. I wasn't going to try to wade through that ocean of a puddle. (yes, the description of the water gets bigger everytime I mention it) So heck with the coffee shop, I'll go home for a few and come back. So I did.

Aaanyhoo, I'm sleeping on an air mattress, if I haven't already said that in a previous entry. If I'm not sleeping on the air mattress, I'm on the loveseat. Why don't I stretch out on the couch? I have no idea. I'm just used to curling up on the comfy leather loveseat. Anyway, my point is that stupid mattress keeps deflating on me... I wake up and it's nowhere NEAR the fullness it was when I filled it up when I laid down to sleep on it. That is starting to bug me. So heck with the air mattress, I'll steal one of Kelly's mattresses/mattressi (whatever) from her bed that she's willing to give me. She has a king-sized mattress on top of a queen-sized mattress is how she described her bed.

I'm still job/car/internet/tv-less. We're working on it. My cousin filled me in on a couple restaurants I should apply to on the Universal Walk. Hard Rock Cafe and Saddle Ranch. She says people who work at Saddle Ranch make a killing! That'll at least tide me over till I start acting.

Speaking of which, headshots WILL be taken soon. Thus, I will sign up and post one on Central Casting and try getting some extra work.

My day today doesn't really have anything exciting about it. Tomorrow, Kelly has already planned out our day. OH! And speaking of tomorrow, our apartment manager came down and handed us a paper stating we must leave our apartment from 8am-5pm tomorr0w (Friday) for their Asbestos cleaning............seriously??? Asbestos!?! Somewhere in the apartment complex, they'll be cleaning and fixing all that. But they'll be working on the walls and entry way of the floor we live on. So tomorrow's not going to be much fun not being in the house from 8am-5pm (11am-8pm Indiana time). Although, a day outside doing productive things will probably be very nice.

Keep reading and posting! Soon I want to do a blog of Q&A. So feel free to ask me, by posting a comment, as many questions as you want, and I will answer the best ones, or the most popular ones, and if I don't have that many, I'll just answer them all!

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2 Weeks Later

Hello my lovely blog readers. I don't have too much to update you on.

I let my cousin Kelly cut my hair. She did a really great job. I'm impressed.

I also saw another celebrity, for those of you who enjoy hearing about that. I was at that same bar, Ireland 32's, for Karaoke night on Sunday. (They have Karaoke night every Sunday and Tuesday) There was a group of people that all looked like actors/actresses/models. They just kind of had that look about them. Sure enough, I recognized one. For those of you that remember the show "Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place", you may remember Richard Ruccolo. He starred in that show opposite Ryan Reynolds. He got up and sang a song to his fiancee/girlfriend/wife...whatever she was. Quite a lucky guy if you ask me.

I'm waiting on another package from home, but I'm sure this one will arrive in an easier fashion. In that package, hopefully, will be my cord for my camera to hook it up to a computer so I can upload photos. I know many of you have been asking about photos. I'm sorry I don't have them up yet.

I'm still jobless, which is why I haven't bought myself a laptop, which I will sooner or later.

Kelly and Amy have introduced me to a whole lot of people. They all are giving me tips and such to try to make it as an actor out here. The biggest thing seems to be starting off at Central Casting. A website that helps get you started and get jobs as an extra.

Once Kelly and Amy have a day off together, we're going to get my headshots taken. Amy's really good at what she does, so I'm going to try her out.

I think I'm finally going to try California Pizza Kitchen today, or as it's known here "CPK".

I don't have too much more to update you all on. As always, I love and miss you all.

Until next time...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Crazy Day

Yesterday gave me a great thing to blog about, so here you go:

My parents sent me a package that was supposed to arrive yesterday via UPS (sorry La, I told them to send it via mail). I figured, early afternoon-ish it'd arrive at my apartment. My mom told me I had to sign for it when it arrived, so they wouldn't just drop it and leave it. I waited around the apartment all morning, already warning my roomies that I wasn't planning on doing anything but hang out till I got the package. Time goes on while I play some PS2 and watch a movie when I realize that 4pm has already come around. (That's 7pm Indiana time) So I get a little concerned, considering I haven't heard the bell ring for me to buzz in the UPS driver who is supposed to have my package.

I call 411 to find out the number of the UPS place here near Valley Village. They text it to me, connect me directly, and a lady answers the phone. Except it wasn't just a normal person, it was an automated system that was setup for voice recognition. Aren't those fun? So I read off my tracking number and she proceeds to tell me, "We attempted to deliver this package at 1:22pm. We will try again on Monday, January 19th." WHAT?! That's a bunch of baloney/bologna! I never got a buzz or knock at the door. So I hang up, call back, have to tell them my tracking # again, she tells me the same thing, and then I say "agent" to speak to a Customer Service Representative.

I get to talk to a real person and she tells me that they tried to deliver it, and that the status shows it will be re-delivered Monday. I didn't want to wait, so I asked if there was any way of picking it up today. She took down my number and told me within an hour someone would call to tell me what time.

One hour and twenty minutes goes by. No phone call. Amy and I had gone to Popeye's to pick up some late lunch/early dinner....Linner... and I called back. Got a different lady who tells me, "There is no notice here saying you requested to pick it up today. Who did you talk to?" Grrrrr... So I give my number yet again. This lady tells me she's SURE it's in there this time and someone will be calling me within an hour to tell me when to pick it up.

Fifty minutes go by. I call back. You can imagine how happy I'm not by now. A THIRD lady answers and I explain to her that this is my 3rd time calling and she doesn't know why no one has called me. And she said, "Well you could chance just going to the address we give you and hope that the driver is there, or you can wait till we call you and tell you when you can go pick it up this evening." I calmly replied, "So I have to wait ANOTHER hour for you guys to not call me?" She kindly said someone will be calling me.

All I want is this package from my parents.... Is that so much to ask??

Luckily, 20 minutes goes by and I get a phone call saying, "You can pick it up until 9pm tonight. They close at 9." THANK GOODNESS!!

When Kelly gets home from work, she talks to Amy a bit and I ask her if she can drive me to Van Nuys to take me to UPS to get my package. It's on Arminta Street. We get directions to Arminta Street, go right, and while we're driving down the street...guess what...we don't see a UPS anywhere. So we go the OTHER direction on Arminta, and before we get to the 16000 block of this street, it stops and turns into a different street where we're now in the scary ghetto. Kelly turns around and we drive around like lost puppies (if lost puppies could drive) and call her friend Chris. Chris's friend tells us to go to this corner near Arminta, that isn't Arminta itself, and tells us there's a UPS there. When we get there, there is no UPS, but there's a U-HAUL.

Seriously....? This is far beyond rediculous. We call Chris back and they cooperatively figure out where we're REALLY supposed to go, and they give us directions to the ACTUAL UPS store we need to be at. When we get there about 8:10pm, there is a LONG line of people, probably in the same boat we are, that doesn't seem to be moving at ALL. Finally as we wait till 8:30pm, a worker there starts yelling out addresses of packages and those people are to step aside because those are the packages they have handy. We wait...wait...wait...FINALLY! Our address is called. When I get to the guy, I start to hand him my Indiana Driver's License, and he makes a face and I knew what he was thinking...the addresses don't match up. I told him I just moved here and haven't anything with my new address on it yet. He then quizzes me about what number this package is under, as in my phone number, then asks me where and who is it coming from. Well it's coming from my mom in Kokomo, IN. After that he kindly gives me a lecture to tell me next time, make sure you have something with the matching address.

After all that, I'm home-free with the package. *Sighhhhhh*

I think my patience was being tested with all of this, and maybe this is a great lesson learned: UPS sucks! And their drivers are stupid. The End

(Sorry for the lengthy post)

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

They're just people...

Just in case anyone was wondering, I have a short story for you. Last night, we went to Kelly and Amy's favorite bar called "Ireland's 32." I haven't found out yet what the '32' stands for, but it is a very cool bar that is very Irish. Fitting for me, I know.

Every Sunday and Tuesday at Ireland's, they have karaoke night. (Amazing that I can spell "karaoke" and not "thorough") Aaaanyways, not too far into the night I saw a very attractive female sitting at the bar by herself, just non-chalantly looking around. I'm pretty sure I made eye contact a couple times. Not 10 minutes later, a guy came into the bar and joined her... Sad face.

Anyway, I continued with my night, enjoying the drunk people trying to karaoke. I sang two songs: "Alcohol" by Barenaked Ladies and "Mambo #5" by Lou Bega. Great choices, huh?

I couldn't help but glance every once in awhile over at the couple who looked so familiar sitting at the bar together. She even got up to sing the last song of the night. I walked by them numerous time in-passing going to the restroom and such.

After we left, I was racking my brain to figure it out. When we got home, my roommate Amy remembered who they were. Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco. They are stars of the fairly-new TV series "The Big Bang Theory." You might also remember Mr. Galecki from the TV show "Roseanne."

It was amazing how cool everyone is about celebrities out here. They're just people. People like you and me. Except with a lot more money and fame. :)

Until next time...

(P.S. I wanna give a shout-out to all my Indiana family and friends. I've heard the weather updates there, and I wish you all safety in the snow and below-zero temperatures/wind chill. I'm really trying to push some of the 80+ degree and sunny weather we're having here..........not to rub it in of course.)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I have arrived!

Welcome to the official blogging site of Brendan and his adventure to Los Angeles, CA. I will be keeping this updated as regularly as possible, especially if something great happens. This way, you don't have to worry about asking things like, "what has Brendan been up to?" or "where the H-E-double hockey sticks is he?" or best of all: "Is he famous yet???"

Well to answer those questions, here you go:

What has Brendan been up to?
I flew Frontier out of Indianapolis, on my way to a layover in Denver, then to LAX. We had a late start to our early morning flight so they could de-ice the plane. Don't you just LOVE hearing that?? I sure do......NOT! But oh well. It's better to be safe than sorry. So as we sat on the plane with no air coming through our little twisty air vents, the guy inbetween me on the aisle, and the lady sitting in the window seat, was offered a row all to himself. The lady and I looked at eachother, shrugged, and were happy with the outcome of us getting more leg room than we didn't have before. If that doesn't make sense, what I'm trying to say is that there was barely leg room to begin with, and all it really did was free us a seat to each store our coats on for the duration of the flight. The only plus we got out of the delay, besides an ice-free plane, was free TV for the flight. Can you believe airlines charge for tv now!? sheesh...
Anyway, that's a lot of reading, so I'll just cut to the chase... Even with the delay to Denver, we still made it to Los Angeles earlier than scheduled.

My cousin, Kelly, picked me up at the airport and we were on our way to my new home. The (current) apartment is a one bedroom, one bath, 2 sink, 3 closet, 1 tv, 2 radio, 1 dvd player, 1 PlayStation-2, 1 air-mattress, many DVDs, no cable apartment with a small balcony that has no view of anything but another common LA-style apartment complex. But that's not me complaining, just trying to be thourough (which I hope I spelled correctly because I hate trying to spell).

The third of the roommates arrived earlier that evening. Her name is Amy. Yes, I know what you're thinking. How lucky of a guy to be living with 2 girls. They are great, but they are family (or practically family), so I guess I'll get good make-up tips from them.......yeah I don't know why I'd need that either.

We've spent our first week moving all of Kelly's ex-boyfriend's (he who shall remain nameless) stuff out to the balcony, cleaning up our apartment, planning a new and bigger apartment move, eating lots of pasta and also bad-for-us-food (i.e. "In & Out", "Carls Jr.", etc.), going through drama (well I'm just hearing it all, I'm not too involved), and just having a good time.

I'm still jobless, but that will be changing soon. I've made a few phone calls, and am just waiting to hear back. I'll be keeping you all updated about the job situation.

Where the H-E-double hockey sticks is Brendan?

I'm in LA...duh :) (Valley Village to be exact...which is pretty much North Hollywood)

Is he famous yet???

....No... But that will be updated as well.

In closing, like I said before, I will be keeping this updated as much as possible. Until then, feel free to post comments/questions/concerns and each time I log on, I will be answering anything you ask :-)

Love you all, miss you all

-Brendan aka "LA-B"