Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another Week, Another Package

So I'd like to start this entry by telling about my day yesterday. As I mentioned before, we were told we needed to be out of the apartment from 8am-5pm yesterday. The roomies and I got up, got ready and left by 7:50. For whatever reason, Amy was having a craving for McDonald's breakfast. If you don't know this about me, I RARELY eat McDonald's. But I figured what the heck...I'll join. I truly wasn't going to get anything except some orange juice, but my childhood memories brought me back to the oh-so-popular Egg McMuffin Meal...the #1. So I ate it, and as I thought, I knew immediately it was a bad idea. Felt terrible right away. For my friends who went to St. Pete, it was like going to the Starlite Diner, except with worse food.

From there, we hit the 7-11 for some snacks. From there, we headed to the library to internet it up. I stayed on from 11am-1pm and the girls went from 10:30-noon. They left, while I had another hour, so Kelly could go talk to T-Mobile and run a couple other errands. When they came back to get me, we went to a Vietnamese restaurant called "Pho's 999". Strange title, strange menu, and for you California/restaurant knowledge people, it was the first "B" restaurant we have eaten at, which immediately made Kelly and me apprehensive. Not to mention we had never had Vietnamese. Well Kelly didn't like it one bit, but I got some chicken, shrimp, and squid with white rice spicy dish that was surprisingly good. From there we hit the Sherman Oaks Galleria so Kelly could discontinue her 24 hr Fitness membership. I took a look at DSW for some new shoes, and the two styles I liked, of course they didn't have my size. Maybe another day. We headed to the mall where Kelly works and walked around a bit. It's a pretty decent-sized mall. From there we headed to an amazing coffee shop called "Marie et Cie" where I ordered a sugar-free Vanilla Latte that was actually very VERY good. Kelly and Amy had a business meeting with someone there. We then headed home because it was finally after 5pm and we could go relax in our apartment. We spent the night talking and listening to music and just relaxing.

As for the package, I was waiting on one from home of some things I asked my mom to send me (via USPS this time), and some things I didn't ask for, but was pleased to see. The only problem was, I was expecting it to be delivered yesterday or today. I was hoping for today because yesterday we were out of the apartment all day. When we got home, I saw no notice so I just assumed it didn't get delivered. This morning around 9 or 10am, I called my mom to have her check the status of the package. Come to find out, she said the site told her they "tried to deliver it and left a notice". Again, no one had buzzed or anything telling me they tried to leave it. Sound familiar? So I called the Post Office and their recording said they tried to deliver it FRIDAY! The day I was out of the house all day. So I put on a hoodie and some flip flops and walked to the nearby post office and luckily, they had it. All I had to do was show my ID, and sign for it. Thank goodness that was FAR less of a hassle than last week's package.

Not too much more to discuss...Monday I'm going to register for Central Casting where they hire people to do extra work on set aka background actors. That should bring in some cash here and there whenever they call me with jobs.

I'm going to go enjoy another rainy evening in California. Take care all you readers and followers.

I still need questions, if you have any, for my future Q&A blog entry!! Keep them coming!

Until next time...


  1. Okay, here's some questions.
    What is your dream role? (Movie or TV)
    If you could act with any actor/actress, who would it be and why?
    Are you going to be taking any acting classes or special tutoring while you're there?
    Are there any groups of people that just "get together" to practice acting and do improv?
    And why is it that you've only been gone a couple weeks and it seems like YEARS!? I love you B, and I'm praying every day that God brings the right people and circumstances into your life so that you can achieve all your hopes and dreams! Love you to the moon and back!

  2. I finally figured out how to post on here, and don't laugh at me, Brendan! Computers are not my friend.

    Hey, Brendan!! Sounds like you had a busy day that day you had to stay out of the apartment. At least with that package it wasn't as much as a pain in the butt to get like the first one was. I don't think I would have been very polite (I hope that is spelled right) if I had to call twice let alone a third time. Of course, from reading the blog I knew that you weren't either.
    Missed you at the first performance of JCAM Band. It was different without you there. (Side I'm writing at least this part Joe is playing on my MP3 player....funny.)
    I have to ask the same thing Peggy did...
    "Why is it that you've only been gone a couple weeks and it seems like years?"
    I will have to think about some other questions for you.
    So until next time, Brendan!! LOVE and MISS you BUNCHES!!!!!

  3. Hi, darlin'!! Questions...hmmm...

    1) If you could ask advice from any famous person...and you HAD to follow their advice...what person would you choose?

    Love, Mom

  4. Thank you for the questions! Keep them coming!
