Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rainy Thursday

So I experienced my first California rain this morning since I've been out here. It wasn't a whole lot of rain, but even the littlest bit out here can cause minor flooding here and there. Their draining systems aren't as good as I'm used to back in Indiana. There was a small pond, it seemed, at the corner of Moorpark and Whitsett (where the library is) that stopped my plan of crossing the street to chill at a coffee shop until the library opened. I parked the car at the library with an hour to spare before the library opened. I walked down the sidewalk to the cross-walk. As I stood there, I kept my distance from the corner because of the cars flying by splashing up water. So when I finally got the walk sign, I stopped...starred at the lake in front of me, and decided to forget that. I wasn't going to try to wade through that ocean of a puddle. (yes, the description of the water gets bigger everytime I mention it) So heck with the coffee shop, I'll go home for a few and come back. So I did.

Aaanyhoo, I'm sleeping on an air mattress, if I haven't already said that in a previous entry. If I'm not sleeping on the air mattress, I'm on the loveseat. Why don't I stretch out on the couch? I have no idea. I'm just used to curling up on the comfy leather loveseat. Anyway, my point is that stupid mattress keeps deflating on me... I wake up and it's nowhere NEAR the fullness it was when I filled it up when I laid down to sleep on it. That is starting to bug me. So heck with the air mattress, I'll steal one of Kelly's mattresses/mattressi (whatever) from her bed that she's willing to give me. She has a king-sized mattress on top of a queen-sized mattress is how she described her bed.

I'm still job/car/internet/tv-less. We're working on it. My cousin filled me in on a couple restaurants I should apply to on the Universal Walk. Hard Rock Cafe and Saddle Ranch. She says people who work at Saddle Ranch make a killing! That'll at least tide me over till I start acting.

Speaking of which, headshots WILL be taken soon. Thus, I will sign up and post one on Central Casting and try getting some extra work.

My day today doesn't really have anything exciting about it. Tomorrow, Kelly has already planned out our day. OH! And speaking of tomorrow, our apartment manager came down and handed us a paper stating we must leave our apartment from 8am-5pm tomorr0w (Friday) for their Asbestos cleaning............seriously??? Asbestos!?! Somewhere in the apartment complex, they'll be cleaning and fixing all that. But they'll be working on the walls and entry way of the floor we live on. So tomorrow's not going to be much fun not being in the house from 8am-5pm (11am-8pm Indiana time). Although, a day outside doing productive things will probably be very nice.

Keep reading and posting! Soon I want to do a blog of Q&A. So feel free to ask me, by posting a comment, as many questions as you want, and I will answer the best ones, or the most popular ones, and if I don't have that many, I'll just answer them all!

Until next time...

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