Thursday, January 29, 2009

Central Casting Member

So I really should get a journal. (yeah I know mom)... But if I had a journal, I could first write it in while things are happening or immediately after they happen and I wouldn't forget so much that has happened inbetween days that I get to get online and update this thing. I could directly read the journal and type in the blog. Oh's on my to-do list.

So as I've said before, Sundays and Tuesdays are karaoke nights at Ireland's. Tuesday came around and I asked the girls if they were planning on going, but they weren't too sure. I got a text from James asking me if we were going because he was going. So he agreed to come get me since the girls didn't want to go. We got there fairly early, about 9:50pm-ish. There were a lot of people at the bar watching and cheering on the Lakers. I was hoping they would lose. But obviously I wouldn't say that too loud around a bunch of Los Angeles-ans...Angelesians...Angeles-ites... I dunno. Anyhoo, so I took forever, as usual, to look at the book and figure out what I was going to sing as my first song. Some people had gotten up there a couple times before James, Joe (his friend I met that night), or me had gotten up there once. So I chose "The Remedy" by Jason Mraz. It's a song I enjoy, but at the same time, I figured people knew it well enough that they would enjoy it. As the night started to progress, the bar started to pack. A BIG group of people came in because one of their friends was moving to Brazil to teach English. A bunch of people signed up for karaoke, so I was hoping that after my first song, I'd get a chance to do my second one I had picked out.

I got up to do "The Remedy", and as I had hoped, a lot of people were dancing, enjoying themselves, singing along, etc. So I thought it was a successful choice. Then while we (me, Joe, James) were sitting at our table, this kind of short, very familiar-looking guy walks up to the book o' songs. I immediately turn to Joe and ask him who this guy is. He recognized him too, and I looked at James, and James was trying to figure it out as well. It hit him. James told me he is in the Big Bang Theory. Simon Helberg is his name. This cast really likes this bar obviously. So I looked around and sure enough, there were Kaylee Cuoco and Johnny Galecki. They brought in a small group as well.

So I had signed up for my second song, "Semi-Charmed Life" by Third Eye Blind. When I, luckily, got up there to sing it, I felt I was doing really well, and I noticed a lot of the crowd was into it. I also noticed Kaylee and a guy were dancing to it, so I thought that was pretty cool. So after I got off the stage, I took a drink of my beer, and after the next person sang, I went up to Kaylee and gave her a high five and told her that she did a great job dancing. She replied with, "Well thanks!" So yeah, that was that. was corny but cool.

The final song of the night was "Piano Man" by Billy Joel. This big group of people got up there to sing. The group included all the people from the Big Bang Theory and their friends. The whole time they were swaying back and forth and back and forth. I stood right up front next to the stage where there's this wooden railing, singing and swaying along. Next thing I know, halfway through the song, Johnny Galecki comes out of the middle of the pack, and reaches his hand out to me and pulls me up on stage! It was quite unexpected to be honest. I sang along with them putting my arms around a guy I met out here named Sam, and Simon from the show, swaying back and forth to some Billy Joel. I noticed Kaylee would step out of the group to turn and take pics of all of us, so I'm sure if I found her MySpace, I might be able to find pics of all of us. So that was a pretty cool thing to happen.

During that night, a girl came up to me and asked me if my name was Brendan. Yes... "You know Joe Cameron, right?" .....Yes... Then I KNEW she looked familiar. Her name is Laura Nargi. I met her through people going to Joe's shows back home! It was crazy to run into her in LA of all places. Anyhoo, we talked a bit. I checked my Facebook today and noticed she tagged me in a pic of me with that big group singing. Kaylee's actually in that pic. She's the blurry blonde up front on the left of the picture.

Anyways, yesterday (Wednesday) James came to pick me up and take me to Central Casting so I could register for that and become an "extra" or "background actor". We stood in a HUGE group of people, listening to all the forms we needed, what we should know about Central Casting, so on and so forth. I had the forms already, thanks to James, and filled them out before I got there. They finally split us into two lines and we turned in our forms and they checked them over, showed them our IDs, then they handed back the forms and we went to the "photo line". I stood in line for about 15-20 minutes and when it was my turn, I paid my $25 photo fee, got my picture taken, and got my papers telling me I am officially registered with Central Casting. I can call everyday looking for jobs. They'll tell me the list available, and if any of them are suited to me, I can immediately then call another number to register for a part. They will tell me the day/time/location of where I need to be and when. I arrive, work for about 8-12 hours that day, and get paid by check the following week. Pretty cool agency.

Well I think I've said plenty for this entry. If any of you have been on Facebook since yesterday, you might have noticed I posted about 11 pictures. I will try posting more very soon.
KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS for my future Q&A entry!!!!

Oh, and the Lakers lost to the Charlotte Bobcats in double OT 117-110 :)

Until next time...


  1. Ok, Brendan. It's totally unfair that you got to met the cast of Big Bang Theory. I love that show!
    Glad you are having a great time. Hopefully you will start getting some parts to do. It would be neat to be watching a movie, and see you in it.
    I have a question for your Q&A: What inspired you to choose acting as a possible career?
    I will try to think of some more. I'm just very slow. :)

    You should wear your Colts jersey to the Super Bowl parties that you have been invited to.


  2. Outstanding post! It is very cool you are hanging with some folks in the biz already and enjoying it. I must admit, I've never watched the Big Bang Theory, but know about it. I'll be using the DVR to check out the next episode.

    Go "Whoever is playing the Lakers" ;-)
