Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I have arrived!

Welcome to the official blogging site of Brendan and his adventure to Los Angeles, CA. I will be keeping this updated as regularly as possible, especially if something great happens. This way, you don't have to worry about asking things like, "what has Brendan been up to?" or "where the H-E-double hockey sticks is he?" or best of all: "Is he famous yet???"

Well to answer those questions, here you go:

What has Brendan been up to?
I flew Frontier out of Indianapolis, on my way to a layover in Denver, then to LAX. We had a late start to our early morning flight so they could de-ice the plane. Don't you just LOVE hearing that?? I sure do......NOT! But oh well. It's better to be safe than sorry. So as we sat on the plane with no air coming through our little twisty air vents, the guy inbetween me on the aisle, and the lady sitting in the window seat, was offered a row all to himself. The lady and I looked at eachother, shrugged, and were happy with the outcome of us getting more leg room than we didn't have before. If that doesn't make sense, what I'm trying to say is that there was barely leg room to begin with, and all it really did was free us a seat to each store our coats on for the duration of the flight. The only plus we got out of the delay, besides an ice-free plane, was free TV for the flight. Can you believe airlines charge for tv now!? sheesh...
Anyway, that's a lot of reading, so I'll just cut to the chase... Even with the delay to Denver, we still made it to Los Angeles earlier than scheduled.

My cousin, Kelly, picked me up at the airport and we were on our way to my new home. The (current) apartment is a one bedroom, one bath, 2 sink, 3 closet, 1 tv, 2 radio, 1 dvd player, 1 PlayStation-2, 1 air-mattress, many DVDs, no cable apartment with a small balcony that has no view of anything but another common LA-style apartment complex. But that's not me complaining, just trying to be thourough (which I hope I spelled correctly because I hate trying to spell).

The third of the roommates arrived earlier that evening. Her name is Amy. Yes, I know what you're thinking. How lucky of a guy to be living with 2 girls. They are great, but they are family (or practically family), so I guess I'll get good make-up tips from them.......yeah I don't know why I'd need that either.

We've spent our first week moving all of Kelly's ex-boyfriend's (he who shall remain nameless) stuff out to the balcony, cleaning up our apartment, planning a new and bigger apartment move, eating lots of pasta and also bad-for-us-food (i.e. "In & Out", "Carls Jr.", etc.), going through drama (well I'm just hearing it all, I'm not too involved), and just having a good time.

I'm still jobless, but that will be changing soon. I've made a few phone calls, and am just waiting to hear back. I'll be keeping you all updated about the job situation.

Where the H-E-double hockey sticks is Brendan?

I'm in LA...duh :) (Valley Village to be exact...which is pretty much North Hollywood)

Is he famous yet???

....No... But that will be updated as well.

In closing, like I said before, I will be keeping this updated as much as possible. Until then, feel free to post comments/questions/concerns and each time I log on, I will be answering anything you ask :-)

Love you all, miss you all

-Brendan aka "LA-B"


  1. B-baby!
    Thanks for the updates. Lovin' the blog idea. I'm here in FREAKIN' COLD INDIANA cheering for you and praying that you at least scratch at the surface of stardom in the name of all us peons in K-town. (Oh, and thorough doesn't have two u's. Nice attempt though. hehe.) Hugs and smooches!

  2. Hi! Thanks to Peggy for correcting B's spelling so I didn't have to. And I love your writing, B, you should consider a screenplay--maybe a joint project with Kelly and Amy about make-up?

    I love you, Mom

  3. Yay! Something to read while bored at work written by my good friend Brendan! I'm so excited to be living my slightly boring life vicariously through you! Congrats on the move..But I would most definitely suggest upgrading into a normal size apartment for three people, air-mattresses just don't cut it for very long! Well, I'm rooting for ya dear, good luck in Cali!
