Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Price is Wrong

Well hello again. It's been a couple days since I've been able to post, so I apologize for the delay. But here ya go:

So Sunday was pretty fun. Well, Sunday night. We went to Ireland's for the karaoke night. Of course! Unfortunately this time, all my drinks didn't get paid for...haha But I definitely enjoyed myself. I got to sing 3 songs: "Time of Your Life" by Green Day, "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King, and "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies. I met a few new people, which is always fun. At the end of the night, which was at 2am, Kelly, Amy, Christian, Renae, Scotty and I all went back to the apartment to chill and hang out. We ended up watching two movies and was up till past 5am. Stupid...stupid move. That caused Monday to be a day of laziness, except for Kelly who had to get up at 9am and go to work. Amy was up and out briefly, but came home and slept most of the day/afternoon and I laid around and watched TV and napped briefly. So it wasn't much of a productive day.

Today, however, was much more fun. Except for the getting up at 5:30am part. Monday night Kelly talked to Scotty and he was inviting us to go to the Price is Right today and try to get on the show. It's free, you just have to stand in line for a long time. Well I was the only one willing to get up that early. So I got up at 5:30am so I could meet Scott at the bus-stop at 6:30 so we could head to North Hollywood and there take the subway to where we were meeting his friend Jenna. When we met up with Jenna, she drove us to the lot and we met up with their friend Chaz. Both people I just met today on this endeavour. Both very cool people! Chaz is in a band. Jenna's a clothing designer. Both around my age so that's cool. Anyhoo, we walked towards the crowd of people waiting. We each got our ticket with a number on it. Our numbers being 413-416. When they FINALLY called our numbers to get in numerical order and sit on Bench #3 of 5 benches or so, we realized we were pretty much the back of the pack. We had been there for about an hour and a half or so. If you take a big group there, like 15-20 people, you're pretty much guaranteed to get on, but since we were a measly group of 4, we had to wait in line like everyone else. They barely got into the 300's when they came over the intercom telling us they apologize, but we won't be able to get you in for the 1 o'clock show. We could all stay for the 4 o'clock show but we weren't guaranteed we'd get in, we'd just have a better chance. So no Price is Right for us today. Scott was mostly looking forward to having one of the nametags. I'll try again some other time. Oh, and we didn't stay for the 4 o'clock showing because Scott had to get back for work by 2 or 3. So being only 9:30, we decided to head towards the Farmer's Market, which I recommend to anyone that has never been whoever may visit or take a trip to LA. It's made up of a bunch of little shops and min-restaurants, all outdoors. We sat down and had some breakfast and coffee, the four of us. And from there we just hung out at the table we were sitting at and chatted. I met a couple new people and we had a good time. We plan to all hang out again someday soon. Probably by this weekend if we go to Scott's for a Super Bowl party.

Being invited to a couple Super Bowl parties greatly excites me. I've been without TV for 3 weeks now and I missed all football playoffs except for the Colts game before I left for here. And for my Indiana friends, you better believe I'll be rocking the Bob Sanders Colts jersey Sunday I brought with me.

Well I'm going to register, for sure this time, with Central Casting tomorrow. I'm in the process of getting my measurements they need- neck, waist, inseam, etc. And hopefully once I get that setup I'll be getting called for extra work. Tomorrow's also going to be a job searching day. So hopefully sooner rather than later I'll actually have a job.

As always, I love and miss all of you. Thank you for the questions so far! Keep them coming!! Also a lot of you have been wanting me to post pictures. Well, I got all the pics I want to post so far on my flash drive, but the Library won't let you upload them onto their computers, so I'm going to bum internet off of my friend James and get that going and uploaded within the next day or so. Probably tomorrow since I'm going with him to Central Casting.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bub!
    Good luck with the job searching! Or shall I say break a leg, since your out there for the acting thing? :) I have a question for your Q & A...I know you are not one to gorge yourself when you eat, but my question is: Have you been to In & Out Burger and how big of a burger have you gotten?
