Wednesday, January 14, 2009

They're just people...

Just in case anyone was wondering, I have a short story for you. Last night, we went to Kelly and Amy's favorite bar called "Ireland's 32." I haven't found out yet what the '32' stands for, but it is a very cool bar that is very Irish. Fitting for me, I know.

Every Sunday and Tuesday at Ireland's, they have karaoke night. (Amazing that I can spell "karaoke" and not "thorough") Aaaanyways, not too far into the night I saw a very attractive female sitting at the bar by herself, just non-chalantly looking around. I'm pretty sure I made eye contact a couple times. Not 10 minutes later, a guy came into the bar and joined her... Sad face.

Anyway, I continued with my night, enjoying the drunk people trying to karaoke. I sang two songs: "Alcohol" by Barenaked Ladies and "Mambo #5" by Lou Bega. Great choices, huh?

I couldn't help but glance every once in awhile over at the couple who looked so familiar sitting at the bar together. She even got up to sing the last song of the night. I walked by them numerous time in-passing going to the restroom and such.

After we left, I was racking my brain to figure it out. When we got home, my roommate Amy remembered who they were. Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco. They are stars of the fairly-new TV series "The Big Bang Theory." You might also remember Mr. Galecki from the TV show "Roseanne."

It was amazing how cool everyone is about celebrities out here. They're just people. People like you and me. Except with a lot more money and fame. :)

Until next time...

(P.S. I wanna give a shout-out to all my Indiana family and friends. I've heard the weather updates there, and I wish you all safety in the snow and below-zero temperatures/wind chill. I'm really trying to push some of the 80+ degree and sunny weather we're having here..........not to rub it in of course.)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on making the move to better your life. I'm sure you'll succeed in whatever you do. Even if it's not in front of the camera. :) I know your parents are very proud of you and it's hard not to share in the feeling. Best of luck! I'll be one of many checking your progress to stardom!!
