Sunday, August 2, 2009


The next two TV appearance will be on August 17th and September 8th.

on August 17th on TNT, watch "The Closer" and look for me among the many high school students there. I'm in a blue and dark gray striped t-shirt and jeans with a shoulder strap messenger bag. We're all sprinting in one of the scenes, so look hard through the crowd :)

on September 8th on ABC Family, watch "10 Things I Hate About You", which is the season finale. I'm in regular clothes briefly for one scene and a uniform for the rest of the scenes. I do a lot of walking in the background, so that's going to be another one of those 'look closely' ones.

on December 25th aka Christmas Day, "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel" will be released into theaters. I'm in only a couple scenes, so unless you're really into the Chipmunks movie or already plan on going to see it, I would just wait for it to make to DVD or the movie channels to see it :)

on May 7th, 2010 I'm told "Iron Man 2" will be released into theaters. That sure is a long way away, but I just thought I'd check on it to see if they had one posted, and sure enough they did!

By the way, for those of you who haven't heard, I'm back in Indiana for awhile. It's a long story, but it's not a permanent thing. Just a longer-than-temporary thing. Until I save up enough money. I hope to see you all while I'm home.

Until next time...

Saturday, July 18, 2009


So last week I worked on Iron Man 2 for 5 days.
This week I worked on the show "The Closer" for one day. I also worked on the new ABC Family TV show "10 Things I Hate About You" for two days. I've been very fortunate with my work the past couple weeks.
What I haven't been fortunate with is finding a place to live. I've had a couple possibilities and they haven't completely followed through. I'm living out here day-to-day, couch hopping and such, not knowing exactly where I'm going to be from night to night. I'm out here on my own now, trying to find somewhere, and I feel a little lost. And considering I'm not in the best shape financially...well it doesn't help the situation. I'm doing what I can to work it out, and I'm getting some support from my family, but I'm starting to feel quite discouraged. I'm on the borderline of coming home for awhile, and getting my finances back in order, and coming back sometime. I mean, it's not like I have something set in stone out here. I signed no lease, I have no full-time job, I have no significant other...I'm pretty much a free spirit right now. I don't want to be looked at as some quitter or that I'm giving up. I already feel like that enough by myself, I don't really need it from others. I'm not saying I'm leaving yet...and I'm not saying I've been told those things from anyone, I'm just venting a tad. I'm trying to figure this out, but I don't know what the right choice is, and I guess I won't until I pick either to stay or not.

Anyhoo, I wasn't really going to say those things publicly but I let my fingers do the typing...and so that's how it is...

Dates for the shows I've been on will come later...nothing's posted yet...

Until next time...

Monday, July 13, 2009

What Grinds My Gears...

You know what really grinds my gears..? Sitting in between two people who pound the keys on the keyboard of a computer like the keys are made of brick. I mean don't get me wrong, I know not everyone was fortunate enough to have taken typing classes and/or taught themselves how to type correctly...but even the people who have to use their two fingers to type everything should know that they don't have to hit them with brute strength like they're pissed at the word. (Pardon my French)

Anyhoo...I gotta jet...but that's what really grinds my gears for today.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Iron Man 2

For those of you who haven't heard, I got a full 5 days of work on the feature "Iron Man 2". Iron Man 2 stars Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, Mickey Rourke, and Sam Rockwell. It's also directed by Jon Favreau. I got to see all of them except Don Cheadle and Mickey Rourke. It was quite a fun week. All five days, we were at the Manhattan Beach Studios in one of the large stages. The setting was NYC at Madison Square Garden. The first 2 days of shooting, there were 500 of us rocking out to music and dancers and then cheering on Iron Man/RDJr. The last 3 days, there were about 250 of us recalled. I kinda had to beg to be recalled. I talked the lady into keeping me. They were looking for business-type people, people who looked older. And that's never been the case for me. I told them I could clean up though, AND that I'm older than I look. So I put on my very nice suit and tie, and styled my hair, and BAM! We were part of a business/science expo thing that included us panicking and running for our lives. It was a lot of fun. Mrs. Martin (Paltrow) and Mrs. Reynolds (Johansson) are gorgeous in person. I found myself staring some, but I kept it cool. I didn't get to talk to any of them, but I'm pretty sure I made eye contact with them all. I was near the front of the stage in the first scene we did. And I was in the middle section, 2nd row on the last three days of shooting. There's a CHANCE I could be seen, but from what I hear, the movie won't be released for 8-10 more months. So we shall see!

Next up, on Tuesday, I'm going to be in the TV show "The Closer", starring Kyra Sedgwick. I'm a high school student (surprise surprise) who will be at a high school that a school shooting happens. So I could be running around scared for my life! Should be pretty interesting. Not sure at all when it will air, but I will make sure I inform you all when I find out.

I don't have a lot more to talk about, so that'll do it for this blog entry...

Take care...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I'm BACK!!

It's been quite awhile since I posted a full blog on here. I went home for six weeks and just never took the time to blog. I know, I know...slap on the hand. But I am now back in Los Angeles, after a cross-country road trip. I had a great time on this trip. My friend Joe Cameron came out here with me. He was planning on moving out here too, for a little while anyways. He's hoping to get some music stuff taken care of and I wish him the best of luck with that. I on the other hand am job and apartment hunting. I haven't made money in awhile now, and I surely do miss it. The good news is that I have my first job already booked since being back. I am booked on the movie "Iron Man 2" that is currently in the process of filming. The first one was an awesome movie, so hopefully this will be too. I'm working Monday and possibly Tuesday. I hope it is both days. More days = more money. And since that seems to be the biggest problem with my current life/situation right now, I could use every dime.
Our trip to LA started in Kokomo, IN on Thursday, May 25th. We made it as far as Lawrence, Kansas that night where we got a hotel and stayed. They had an included continental breakfast that next morning, so we totally took advantage of that, including taking bananas to-go. I only brought Granola Bars and Wheat Thins with me on the trip as it was, so I figured I could use a little healthy fruit in my travel diet. We left Friday around noon and drove to Denver, Colorado. Kansas is a very long, and boring state to drive through. Colorado on the other hand, is a fantastic state. The sites of the Rockies and everything around is awesome. We stayed in Colorado two nights. Joe had some friends in Denver, since he lived there for a year or so, and hadn't seen them in two and a half years. We stayed at his friend Bob's house the first night, and his friend Alissa's house the second night. We went out both nights, first to a place called The Waterloo, and the second night we went to the B-Side Lounge. The DJ at the Lounge was awesome, and every 3rd song or so, he'd play a Michael Jackson song. He ended the night with "Man in the Mirror". Such an awesome night! We then got a really late start and left in the afternoon to drive the very long drive to Vegas. I had driven the WHOLE trip until about 20 miles out of Cedar City, Utah when I realized I was just too tired to drive us any farther. I let Joe take over, and he got us all the way to Las Vegas. I didn't gamble a WHOLE lot, but the good news was that I came out ahead. My winning ways came from one of the penny slot machines I played and the Bonus Texas Hold'em Poker table I played at. Those dealers can be tough to beat, but I managed pretty well. I bumped my $50 up to $150 before losing a little bit of it before I left. We stayed two nights at the Sahara and got up early Tuesday morning to leave for Los Angeles. Joe had some sort of meeting to attend by 2pm Tuesday, and we made it great time.

On a separate note, this past month has been quite a sad time for celebrities and their families. We've lost 5 celebrities, at least, in the past month. RIP David Carradine, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays. Tough month.

It's crazy to see how much these celebrities have really made some sort of impact on people's lives. And it tends to really show after their death.

Well Joe and I are apartment hunting, and it's starting to seem like everything is just out of my price range. So I would like to start a donation fund. HELP BRENDAN STAY IN LA! I know it sounds silly, especially since I'm speaking out about it for myself...but if any of you would like to, and PLEASE don't feel obligated in any way, shape, or form...haha blahhhhhh....

Take care one and all...Until next time...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


This message especially for Jay:

I will be updating my blog when I get back to California next week. Unless I get a chance to update it on the drive out there. So never fear! I know it's been a long break since my last update, but I will be updating about my trip home to Indiana and my trip back to California. Take care! Wish me luck on my drive!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Brendan on TV NEXT WEEK!

All of you faithful watchers, make sure you set your Tivos/DVRs/VCRs/whatever you may use, because next Monday night, May 11th, on the CW for the show "Gossip Girl", yours truly will be on the show. The episode is titled Lily and it's a flashback into the 1980's. Brittany Snow plays the young version of the character Lily. And all of the house party scenes they show, I will be somewhere there in the background. So keep your eyes open :)

Also, on the 12th on CBS, make sure you check out the show "The Mentalist". It's the second to last episode of the season, and the majority of it takes place in a camp. I am one of the 40 or so camp kids.

Hope you get to see it!

Miss you all!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Up and Down

Hello again. I've had a SERIOUS lack in time to get to a computer or even an opportunity to hit the library to update this or check most of my stuff, but I finally made it back:

I was on the Mentalist set for 3 days straight! It was so much fun. The air date for the episode of The Mentalist I'm on should be airing May 12th on CBS. Mark your calendars. :) I got to see people like Simon Baker, Robin Tunney, Tim Kang, Owain Yeoman, and Amanda Righetti. All four the main actors of the show. I love that show! I watched it back home all the time, when I still had cable, so it was kind of crazy to see these people in person. I was on set for 3 days straight, so I definitely have a good chance of some camera time. So don't forget to look out for that episode airing May 12th. If the date changes, I'll let you know ASAP! And just a reminder, May 11th on the CW will be the series premiere of "Lily", another show I was on. So back-to-back nights you'll get to see me on TV, hopefully. :) And for those of you who got to see it or didn't get to for that matter, I was on Desperate Housewives...briefly...on the April 19th episode. I was also on House this past Monday (April 27th). I was blurry in the majority of the shots, but you could definitely tell it was me. There were a couple times the camera panned by and you could see the scorer's table and I think I saw me pretty clear then, but I wasn't able to pause it and check. Maybe I'll look online for the episode.

So my cousin Adam came to visit me!! That was so much fun! I really hope he had a good time (even though he told me he did). Luckily I had James's vehicle for 90% of the time Adam was here, so I was able to take him to all the places I'm familiar with and then some. We went to Hollywood, Universal Studios, Ireland's, Burbank, Santa Monica Beach, anywhere I could think of to take him that I was familiar with. We took a tour of the Grauman's Chinese Theatre. I had never been in there, but it's the main location for big movie premieres. One of these days I'll go to a premiere, whether it be for my movie or someone else' doesn't matter to me. I'm just definitely going. It's such an awesome place. It's HUGE inside. We also went on a VIP tour of Warner Bros. Studio. We got to go on the set of Two and a Half Men. Unfortunately, we saw no celebs there. And now that I mention it, we weren't really successful in celebrity sightings. Kinda unfortunate, I wanted Adam to see some. Maybe next time. He got to meet all the cool people I hang with out here and we had a great time. It was unfortunate to drop him off at the airport, not gunna lie. Made me kind of sad. But he'll be visiting me again soon I hope. Maybe later in the year or something.

Well if most of you haven't heard, tomorrow night (Thursday) will be my last night I'll be living in the apartment I'm living in right now. Kelly and Amy are moving back to Indiana for 3-6 months or so. I can't afford the $1K/month rent on my own, otherwise I'd probably just stay in the 1 bedroom apartment. So I'm apartment shopping. It's looking like there's going to be at least 3 of us, so we're looking for a 3 bedroom minimum place, not too expensive of course...good luck with that, right? This past week or so has been super super stressful. I'm going to be staying at James's sister's house for a couple night this Friday and Saturday, and I might end up checking into a hotel for awhile. I need to keep looking for the best rates available on that till I actually find an apartment/house. All I ask of any of you is to keep me in your prayers on my quest to find a new place. Times have been stressful recently, stressful and frustrating. I'm learning all sorts of new things from people that I was completely unaware of, and that's not helping any situation. I know I'm being quite vague right now, but please just keep me in your prayers and let's all hope for the best. I will pull through this little speed bump of my life. Just like George Michael said: "Ya gotta have faith faith faith!" Yes, I DID just quote George Michael. Don't laugh at me. :)

I'm headed to the house of Sanford, Nora, Caitlin, and Heidi on Sunday for a BBQ. So that should be fun! I have a few things planned out for the next week or so. However, I'm a little concerned I may not be able to work much in the next week or so. I don't know A) how much access I'll have to a car and B) not sure of how much time I'll have with all the apartment/house hunting. Again, something I'll hope for the best on.

Until next time...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lack of Blogging...

I apologize for the lack of blogging. I'm sure a lot of you are wanting to know what's new. Well this probably won't be TOO long, but here's an update:

I was on another Pilot called "Community". It stars Chevy Chase and Joel McHale. You should all recognize the name Chevy Chase. If you don't, you might know him from his birth name of Cornelius Crane Chase. No? Yeah, me niether. That really is his birth name though. He's probably best known as his role playing Clark Griswold in the famous National Lampoon's Vacation films. Joel McHale is the well-known host of "The Soup". This is an NBC pilot. Hopefully it'll all go over well and will be on air. Just look out for information on Community. I have no idea when it may air. I played a college student and did a lot of walking around in the background. Nothing too exciting.

I also just got booked today for tomorrow, and possibly Wednesday and Thursday for the popular CBS show titled "The Mentalist". I'll be playing part of the troubled youth. I have no idea how many of us there may be. We're going to be in a camping-style scene though. Say a prayer I get recalled for both Wednesday AND Thursday. That will be 3 strong days of work, aka money.

New news: Amy is moving back to Indiana for 3 months at the end of April. Kelly is moving out by the end of April and moving to who-knows-where. I will not be living in this apartment I'm in now at the end of the month. It's a little stressful. I'm looking for a new place. I hope I can find something before the beginning of May. So keep that in your prayers as well if you wouldn't mind.

Great news is that my cousin Adam will be out here on Friday to visit and spend about 8 or so days out here with me in LA! I can't wait!

I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Easter weekend. I know I did. Eric's mom invited me to their house to have dinner with the family. So me, Eric, his mom, his sister and her boyfriend, and their grandma were all eating a wonderful Easter lunch filled with steak, turkey, ham, potatoes, deviled eggs, mac and cheese, rolls, etc. I never expected to be invited anywhere, especially for Eric's mom, who I had only met a couple times, to invite me for something as special as an Easter lunch. But I was very grateful and thankful. She's a very nice person, and we all had a wonderful time. After eating and talking and telling jokes, we played some Texas Hold 'Em which is the first time I've played in over 3 months. I came in 3rd, but pretty much gave in late in the game. I stupidly went all-in and hit NOTHING on the board. I was done for. Eric's mom sent me with some leftovers and desserts and we headed to our 2nd destination of the day. I met a few really cool people out here this past week. I met Nora Friday. I had already met her roommates Caitlin and Sanford a week or so before that. Well Friday night at the Easter celebration at The Liquid Zoo, we had a great time with the karaoke and the prize giveaway. Someone who won a bottle of champangne didn't want it so he gave it to me. I guess before they left, Nora and Caitlin told Sanford and Josh to invite Eric and me to their Easter festivities. We headed over there after Eric's mom's house and ate food, drank drinks, hunted for easter eggs...all 98 that Sanford hid...and met a lot of really cool people. Post egg hunting, we played Catch Phrase. Our way of playing was whoever lost, whoever it buzzed on, they had to wear the sombrero and pick a band/artist and everyone broke out into one of their songs, sometimes it was a bloody mess of songs all at once, and sometimes everyone started on the same one. Hilariously fun night. Oh, and one of the best things of the evening was when Paityn informed us that Josh had proposed to her Saturday night! And she said no!.....just kidding...of COURSE she said yes! She showed us the ring and was very happy. I, too, am happy for both of them. They're a great couple. And being Sunday, we of course headed to Karaoke later. Eric and I met up with Paityn there and Nora, Caitlin, and Sanford all showed up a bit later. Another fun, successful night of karaoke.

Nothing much else to report for now. I'm without internet in the apartment, and may be until I move to a new place, which means I'll have to keep coming to the library, where I am now, or using Eric for his internet, which I hate to keep asking him.

Well I hope this was a good update for you all! I miss you all!

Until next time...

Friday, March 27, 2009

"Parents Week"

So, it's been awhile since I last updated, and I tried getting this in last night like I said I would, but I ran out of time. So here you go:

My parents flew in here on Saturday morning so I took a FlyAway Bus from Van Nuys to LAX to meet them there. They had a great flight, especially from Indiana to Phoenix. I gave them both great big hugs and we headed to pick up their luggage and take the shuttle to Hertz. After trying to understand the Hertz lady for the Rent-a-Car, we got switched from a Hyundai Accent, to a Pontiac Vibe, to a Mazda 6. My dad wanted GPS, and so when we told the lady that, they upgraded us. My parents were staying in the Sheraton Hotel at Universal City. Excellent hotel! The bonus for me, was that I'd get to stay with them all week if I wanted to. They had a two-bed room.

We walked around the Universal City Walk. They have shops, restaurants, and right next to it all is Universal Studios itself, the theme park. Unfortunately this week we did not get to go to the theme park, but hopefully I will someday soon.

On Sunday, mom, dad, Kelly, and I all got up early to go to a restaurant in Burbank called The Castaway. It was located WAAAY up on the hill and it's a very ritzy place. Ranked in the top 5 of restaurants in either California or the country, I'm not sure. It was our breakfast/brunch/lunch/dinner food place. They had all kinds of food. Food for every meal of the day. It was all set up buffet-style, but not like a Golden Corral buffet, more like a 5-star buffet. The view was amaza-zing! We could see all of Burbank, all of the Valley, and even the buildings in downtown LA. On top of all the food you could eat, they had as much champagne as you wanted. And the dessert table, WOW...that's all I can say.

Sunday night I took my parents to Ireland's for karaoke night. They got to meet all the people I hang out with at Ireland's all the time and outside of Ireland's too. We had a great time, and I ended up singing "Pinch Me" by Barenaked Ladies and I sang a duet with James, and we sang "Africa" by Toto, and pretty much rocked it as usual. The highlight of the night was when James and Eric got up to sing Afroman's "Because I Got High", and they didn't want to sing it in front of my parents, thinking they'd get offended or the wrong impression, and what they failed to initially realize, was my parents singing proud......

On Monday I had to be in Long Beach at 7am for the shooting of Alvin and the Chipmunks 2. That turned into a 14 hour day. My parents drove me there and planned to head to Newport Beach by 11 to see my cousin Shannon, her husband Scott, and their son Kayden. (I'll be seeing them Sunday) My role in A&C2 was just like the other 379 people cast as a student. We were in a gymnasium and we were going to be dancing and cheering on the Chipmunks, a couple bands, and even a dance group. Zachary Levi, who plays on the show Chuck, was there, along with a few other familiar faces, like Wendie Malick, who played Nina Van Horn on the show Just Shoot Me, and Anjelah N. Johnson. The day was full of cheering and dancing and screaming and singing, and it was a blast. Tiring, but it was a blast. I was in the front row or second row most of the time, and I hopefully will even be seen. There was a scene or two when the camera was really close to me if not looking right at me briefly. So when that movie's released, please go see it! This was also the night my mom and dad had In-N-Out Burger for the first time!

Tuesday, I got up about 5:50am to take James to the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank. He was flying to go to Louisiana for 6 weeks to work on a movie that was shooting there. He was kind enough to loan me his car for those 6 weeks. That's very helpful, so I don't have to share my cousin's car in that timeframe to go places or to jobs or whatever the case may be. After I got home from taking him, I showered and cleaned up and my parents came by and picked me up and we headed to Hollywood to the hotel my grandparents were staying at. It was nice seeing them! We all headed to the Universal City Walk and went to breakfast at a place called Saddle Ranch. Very fun, country western looking restaurant. Indoor and outdoor seating available. They looked as though they only had one server on. But it was early, so no problem right? That early in the day they seat everyone outside, but luckily we had awesomely nice sunny weather. So me, my mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa sat there...and sat there.....looked over the menu...and sat there some more... Still no visit of the waitress to our table. We had all already picked out what we wanted to drink/eat. People started getting sat after us and they were having the same problem. Not to mention, one table was sat after us and ordered before us. WTF, mate? Finally, the host who sat us came over to take our drink orders. He brought them out and finally the waitress came to the table and apologized up and down because they were short-staffed/staved/plural anyone? She took our orders and told us we'd be getting some complimentary pancakes coming out to us. ROCK ON! So we did. We got like 4 pancakes and only me, dad, and grandma had some. Then out came the food. The plates and portions were HUGE! My dad and I each had the 'Chicken and Biscuits'. But no sign of my dad's. So that host guy came back to the table, asked if we got everything, and my dad told him he didn't his food. The host then apologized and informed us he was the manager and he'd go check on that immediately. When they brought out the food, they informed us dad's meal would be "on the house". Free food left and right! All the problems aside, we had a great breakfast, great service, and a great time. We walked around the Universal City Walk a bit longer with the grandparents and we then took them back to their hotel, and they were on their way back to Arizona.

Wednesday, we had plans to go to The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, which, not to burst anyone's bubble, but was NOT taped 'Late Late' at night. As a matter of fact, it started taping around 3pm. But we were told it would air that night. We had time to kill before the show, so we walked around the Farmer's Market there at 3rd and Fairfax. We ate some lunch and checked out all the little shops and such. At one point, my mom and I walked right by Scott Caan. You might recognize Scott from the Ocean's Trilogy, or Varsity Blues, or simply being the son of James Caan. He's been in many many movies. But we both looked at eachother and immediately knew who he was. That was pretty cool. I know I saw another celebrity, but cannot put my finger on who he was. So we dressed in our "upscale" attire and headed to the CBS Studios where it was being taped. It's also the place they tape the Price Is Right. We lucked out and got put in the front of four rows outside in the waiting area and listened to a guy named Brian, who was hilarious, that prepped us for the show and what they're all about there and told us of a guy named "Chunky B" who we'd be meeting that would be our audience guy for the day. He was again, a crazy funny guy who took us inside the studio and made us laugh and would tell us what to do when and tested us for preparedness for Craig Ferguson. We got sat in the stage area for Craig Ferguson (CF), and we were 3 rows up on the right side. Awesome seats for the 113-person seating area. The whole taping we laughed our butts off...I had mine reattached later...and got to see a couple celebs. Not only CF, but Jerry O'Connell, and for a thing they were taping for this upcoming Tuesday, they had Isabella Rossellini there, which made my mom's day! If any of you saw the show or taped it, at the break right before Jerry O'Connell came on the show, you can see the back of my dad's head and half of my head and my hands clapping. Same thing could be seen after the commercial break was over. After the show for dinner, we headed to Maggiano's. Upon leaving Maggiano's, we were walking towards the exit while this somewhat older guy, who was nicely dressed and just had that look of a celebrity walked right by us. I looked at him and kept walking because I had no idea who it was. My mom was behind me and was lagging behind a little bit. When she caught up, she had one of those looks on her face. A very giddy look about her. I asked her, "Okay, who was he?" She told me it was Tony Geary, best known for his role on General Hospital. She then, all excitedly, told me she leaned in and said "I love your work Mr. Geary." He replied, "Well thank you very much." So my mom was needless to say VERY excited she actually talked to a celebrity. Dad's was gone getting our parking validated and missed him. So that even more so made my mom's night!

I can't remember which dad we did, but one of the days we went to the Hollywood Walk of Fame to see the Grauman's Chinese Theater and all the other awesome sites of Hollywood. I think my dad's was especially happy to see all of that because he had NEVER been to LA before now.

Thursday, we had breakfast at the North Hollywood Diner. I think it became my mom's favorite place to eat out here. We headed to Culver City where they tape the Bonnie Hunt Show. We got there later than we wanted to, so we were numbers 97, 98, and 99. When we got inside, the set was AWESOME and they immediately handed out Root Beer and Hot Dogs to anyone who wanted them. I took a hot dog, but no root beer. When we told them we had 3 people, they sat us in the front row off to the right. How lucky are we?! The guy who pumps up the crowd and is a big part of the show was named Bill. He ended up talking to us quite a bit and giving me tips and he told me to add him on Facebook, so I did. His biggest things of advice were 1) take any job I can, 2) Be nice to everyone, because you never know! and C) Watch your spending. And yes, I did say 1, 2, C on purpose. So the show started and Bonnie Hunt came out and everyone went nuts! It was really cool to see her in person, and so close up too! The guests on the show ended up being Kevin Bacon and his brother Michael, aka "The Bacon Brothers". They performed on the show, which was exciting. In between the Bacon Brothers interview and the next guest, during a somewhat long break, Bonnie came up to the crowd to say hello to her brother and his wife and kid who was in the row right across the aisle from us and so Bonnie was THAT close to us. She kind of said hi to everyone around that area and turned and kinda touched my mom's leg and said "Thank you for being here" mom replied with "thank you for touching my leg." Haha, what a dork. Love you mom. After the break was over, we were surprised with a guest by the name of Phil Keoghan, aka the host of The Amazing Race. He literally rode in on his bicycle. My parents, being such big fans of that show, were very surprised and excited to see him. After him, actress Ashley Scott was on. She's been in that show Jericho and the new movie starting this weekend called "12 Rounds". She's VERY attractive in person. Even more so than on TV. Unfortunately she's a bit older than me...surprisingly 31, so I probably don't have a chance. Not to mention, she's a celebrity...I'm not. haha Oh well. After Ashley, the Bacon Brothers performed and the show was wrapped. Bonnie Hunt herself made her rounds in the crowd to say hello and shake hands and she actually did come to the front row where we were, again, and shook all three of our hands. That was wonderful. Quite a successful and surprising happening trip so far.

Friday, we again ate at the North Hollywood Diner for late breakfast/early lunch, and had the same server as Thursday. She remembered us and what we drank from the previous day. She is a very kind person and a great waitress. We spent the day going to Venice Beach, walking the beach, standing in the water, enjoying the sunshine (no I didn't get much of a tan), and checking out the array of shops lined up. Selling everything from jewelry, to tshirts, to paintings, and more. Quite a bunch of crazies there though. One guy even had a sign saying "SMILE IF YOU TOUCH YOURSELF". Yeah...those kinds of people. Not to forget the sign reading "WILL WORK FOR MARIJUANA". Wow So we left the beach and my parents dropped me at the apartment to get cleaned up and changed and they headed to the hotel to do the same. We headed to this timeshare Kelly's friend Mark has so Kelly could feed us. She wanted to make us dinner. We had Margaritas to start and Lasagna for dinner, and an Armenian chocolate cake for dessert! Quite a wonderful night. But we were way tired and headed home after all the festivities.

Today, Saturday, was my parents' last day in California. :(
We, for a third day, ate at the North Hollywood Diner, and got all the suitcases packed up for their trip home. We walked around one more time, briefly, at the Universal City Walk to buy a few souvenirs. After the NoHo Diner, we stopped by Ralph's for a few items, and they brought me back to my apartment. We hugged and said our byes. Kinda sucks they have to leave. I know they didn't wanna leave either. Again we got a little teary saying bye, but I'll hopefully get to come home sometime in the next couple months.

So I hope that completes my week with my parents. It's now back to regularly trying to get acting gigs, and paying for my own food. haha
If I forgot anything, I'm sorry, but feel free to ask my parents when/if you see them. They'll tell you everything about the trip you want to know. We're only a few days away from the month of April, which is insane, but that means it's closer to the time my cousin Adam gets to come visit!! And if any of you people want to come visit me in the next month or so, please let me know. I would love to have company, you just gotta let me know!

Until next time...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Alvin and the Chipmunks 2

Hello again my blog readers!

First and foremost, I just got booked today for Monday, March 23rd to be an extra in Alvin and the Chipmunks 2! My first movie! The only downside is that my parents will be here all next week, and I really didn't want to work while they were here, but my mom said "don't not get jobs on account of us being there". So I did what any good son would do, and listened to them. It might be the only one I try for next week, but they don't know that...unless of course they're reading this. Oh well. :)

I've got great responses from people about my headshots! Thank you all so much! If you haven't seen them, I have selected 21 photos of ones I liked or just wanted to show on both Facebook and MySpace. She took WAY more than 21, but I just figured I'd limit them. If you don't have MySpace or Facebook and want to see some, let me know, I'll try sending you some via e-mail or something like that.

Ben and Shayna came to California to visit! I got to hang out with them on St. Patrick's Day, which was also Ben's 27th birthday! We went to the Draft and drank green beer and had a wonderful time! The following morning, we went to the North Hollywood Diner, aka the NoHo Diner, and had breakfast, just the three of us. Late into our breakfast, I see this very familiar face walk in with who I think is his wife, and they sit down about four tables away from us. Turns out, it's Leslie David Baker, aka "Stanley" from the hit TV show The Office. How cool is that?! Shayna slipped in a picture from afar.


So real soon, within the next couple days, I'm going to start making a list, and trying to rack my brain of all the celebrity sightings I've had since living here. I'll probably just put their real names, so if you don't recognize some of them, just Wikipedia or IMDB them.

MY PARENTS WILL BE HERE SATURDAY!!! That's so exciting!! Can't wait!!

Miss you and love you all...

Until next time...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

36 hours...

Hello again my faithful readers. That goes out to all my first time readers too. Now that I'm awake, I can update you on my two shows from this weekend.

Thursday, I got booked on two shows, one for Friday and one on Saturday. On Friday, I was going to be on a new pilot called "Lily" which, come to find out is the Gossip Girl Prequel. On Saturday, I was going to be on the oh so popular show called "House". I wasn't told right away what I was going to be doing on Lily but I was told I was the scorekeeper. So that sounded specific, so I was excited to hear because I might be seen pretty well.
The information (i.e. the wardrobe and call time) was going to be posted at 8pm Thursday night for Lily. At 8:30pm when I called, the call time was not posted yet. The wardrobe was going to be for a 1980's house party. I didn't really think I had much, but even if I didn't, I knew the wardrobe people on set would have plenty to give me. So I planned to take a few things I had but really didn't think they'd like. At 9pm when I called, it was not posted yet. James picked me up and we headed to Eric's house to "pre-party" for Jovanni's birthday party that night in Hollywood. I didn't want to drink OR stay out late, in case I had an early call, so I didn't. We left Eric's a little after 10pm, and still there was no call time. We headed to the place in Hollywood called "Happy Ending" for Jovanni's birthday. When we got there, Jovanni was walking out as we were walking in and he told us his table was right around the corner. I only know two of Jovanni's friends, and I didn't see either of them, so we just walked around and checked out the place. They were having a Beer Pong tournament upstairs, so Eric and James signed up for that, and later signed up for the Flippy Cup tournament. I was getting tired, and frustrated, because through the night, I would call the number and no call time was posted. They did update it, however. At 10:20pm, a message was posted: "We still don't have the call times yet, so please don't call the emergency number to find that out. Just keep checking back through the night." I'll skip ahead, and after leaving the bar, and getting back home at 2am...yes, 2am...there was still no posting for call time. I set my alarm for 5am, for fear the call time would be early, and at 5 when I woke up, the call time had been updated sometime after 3am and my call time wasn't until 4:30pm. THANK GOODNESS! So I went back to sleep, but only slept till 9am. I couldn't stay asleep. So I got up, got directions for the Chatsworth area I had to go, and hung out till a little after 3pm when I left.
When I arrived, I got my voucher and headed for wardrobe. They put me in my gray pants, my blue suit jacket, but they gave me a short-sleeved peach shirt, and a tie they called their "magical tie" and a pair of black dress shoes. We were a bunch of rich kids (18-30ish) at a party and the year was 1983. We got to stand in line for hair and makeup, but only the girls got makeup. And all they did was brush my hair to the side and hairspray it. We then were told we wouldn't be starting till 7pm, which turned into 8pm. They took us to this huge mansion that had a super long, twisting driveway that was up in the hills of Chatsworth. It had an AMAZING view. When we were on set, we all were placed here and there inside and outside. We were split up into 3 groups. The cocaine group, the dancers, and the church-goers. I was in the dancers group. So while "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol played, we were given a variety of drinks as props and we were supposed to jam to the music. Dance like fools, so I did. Thank goodness for Footloose and the Breakfast Club. I just tried to think those things in my head the whole time. Needless to say, after the many takes we did of that, I was wiped. We broke for "lunch" at 9pm. But they fed us, and they fed us WELL. Tuna steak, chicken, salad, vegetables, rice, bread, desserts.. YUM! We then were taken back to the mansion after lunch and were placed at different spots here and there. Still mostly danced. Watch a fight break out (it was part of the scene). We interacted with the actors of the show. Come to find out, the one recognizable face I saw was the star, who will be playing Lily, and that was Brittany Snow. Best known for her role in "American Dreams" but also in movies like "John Tucker Must Die", "Prom Night" (2008), and "Hairspray". She's even better looking in person than on TV. I talked to the guy, who was the lead in this episode, a little bit, but I don't really know who he was. He and I shared an odd, random handshake at one point. I don't know, but it was still cool. And I know what you're going to say, but I'm almost certain Brittany Snow was checking me out. I'm just saying. We caught eyes quite a bit. But that's besides the point :)
There were a few instances where I was either RIGHT next to the featured actors, or right in line with the camera angle, so I should be seen here and there throughout these scenes of this episode. One in particular, you'll probably see me or my hand taking a drink of the drink I was given. The coolest part of the night, was at about 5am, while we were still on set by the way, this guy shows up and starts hugging a lot of the crew members. He looked like a crew member himself. Almost all in black, and was wearing a black hat backwards. He made his way inside and outside while shooting was going on and it wasn't until he was outside that I did a double take and realized who it was. It wasn't some random crew person. It was Zachary Levi! For those of you who aren't familiar with his real name, you might know him better by the name of "Chuck". He's the star of the show Chuck, one of my favorite shows, and he's right here in person. The reason he was there hugging all the crew was because the crew that was working this also worked/works the TV show Chuck. It was a fun night, but here's the kicker, we weren't finished till 6:30am Saturday morning. I've read online, the Pilot episode will appear on TV on May 11th! So mark your calendars!

Through the night, I didn't have the call time box number OR the wardrobe number to find out what I needed for House. So when I was wrapped, I got on the FIRST shuttle from set that was taking us back to the cars. I called the number and found out I, the scorekeeper of this episode of House, was needed at 9:00am. Blehh... I had enough time to drive home, shower, get dressed, pack my bag, and write down directions and leave. Literally no time to sleep. I got to the set and the only thing for wardrobe they changed me wearing was my zip-up hoodie. Easy fix. They gave me a plain gray one. My job as 'scorekeeper' was to sit at the scorer's table and act as though I was keeping track of points on this clipboard I had. We were at a wrestling match. I don't want to give a lot away for you avid House watchers. But I sat the whole day. I sat and one guy next to me worked the electronic scoreboard while I made notes of scores. They had camera angle after camera angle. I again, will probably be seen. Kind of in the distance, but you still might see me. I have a feeling this episode will air April 27th! I don't know that for certain, but I'll try finding out more specifically when I do know. My day on House lasted 10 hours. So by the time I got home and in bed, I was awake for 36 hours straight. No nap. No joke. 36 hours... I slept ALL through the night. Not waking up once. I hope my neck stops hurting though. I think it's sore from all the dancing and all the standing. I'm probably going to take it easy today. Maybe I'll get some work for tomorrow. And headshots on Tuesday!! I'm so excited!!

Well I hope you enjoyed this entry. I apologize about the length, but I had a lot to inform you about.

Take care, I love and miss you all, hope to hear from you soon!

Until next time...

Friday, March 13, 2009

2 New Casting Jobs!!

Can't type long, but I just thought I'd give you all a heads-up about my night tonight and day tomorrow. I got booked as an extra on a pilot called "Lilly" and that's shooting today. I have to be there in 2.5 hours from now. I'm going to be part of a 1980's house party. So that should be fun! Just hope that wardrobe either likes what I'm bringing (which isn't much) or they have something for me.

Tomorrow I'm booked as an extra on the popular TV show "House". The lady cast me as the 'scorekeeper', but that's all I know so far. So hopefully it'll be something real specific and maybe I'll be the only scorekeeper. Might get camera time. We'll see.

And I called the other day to try to get booked as a young looking person on Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 and a lady named Maryann answered and she said "Oh Brendan, you're great, but I JUST booked all my spots. However, I will need more kids next week, so let me have your phone number." So hopefully I'll be getting a call soon, or sometime next week. I might make it on Alvin and the Chipmunks 2!!

Still haven't heard if I've been picked as part of the Untitled Nancy Meyers Project that I went and stood in line to get my picture taken.

Anyhoo, gotta run, I'll try posting if not tonight, then tomorrow when I'm home from being on set. I'll let you all know how things went with these two jobs, and hopefully I can get airing dates so you can watch! Keep watching Desperate Housewives. I don't know when exactly it will air, but it should be on one of the next couple to few episodes. And don't forget, March 26th is the air date for the ER episode I was on.

Until next time...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Improv and Headshots

Welcome back you reader you. It's been almost a week since my last update, and that's just WAY too long. So here we go:

This past Sunday, I attended my first class on improvisational techniques, aka improv. It was a 3-hr crash course taught by two guys named Jon Smith and Randy Gordon:
There's Randy's page, made by my friend James Young.
They're working to get an improv academy setup with the Avery Schreiber Theatre and start teaching improv classes. This class was something that anyone with or without improv training could take to learn a thing or two and to pretty much get the basics on improv. To get people familiar with it and interested in moving on with improv. They were teaching basic fundamentals, which they really push because they believe they're the most important things about improv to know and remember. So I've talked things over with Randy, and we're going to work something out for me to take the class they'll be starting, maybe even audit it, take a few free classes so I can get the hang of things. He's being really cool and helpful about the whole thing, so props to him. It was definitely a fun class though. Only 3 people showed up, and then Jon and Randy, so five total. They gave us a basic overview on improv, and that a big thing about it is to stay out of your head, and not TRY and be funny. If you let go, and just go with things as they transpire, it will be easier, and feel more natural. We did some activities, with Jon and/or Randy starting us with a brief scenario, and GO! I was completely lost at first, but by the end of the class, I was having a good time. They would setup scenarios, or give us characters, and sometimes they'd freeze us midway and switch where we were or who we were. It was definitely challenging to be able to just jump into things like that, but I'm definitely willing to learn and try it out. Improv training's a great thing to have out here, especially for actors.

Now, the second part of my blog title is "Headshots". I officially have a date set to get my headshots taken with a lady named Lesley Bohm. She's been around and doing the photography for 20+ years. She's shot many well-known faces in the acting world. I had an appointment set up with her today at her studio in downtown Los Angeles. We met, and she showed me around her awesome studio, and told me a bit about herself. She even gave me water and we ate strawberries...random I know, but she's a very nice person, very personable, and VERY talented. And with talking it over with my parents, we both agree we love her work, and so it's settled! March 17th, aka St. Patrick's Day, I have my day for shooting :) <---that's her website, take a look, I'd love to hear feedback what you think.

So James and I have found out we pretty much rock it out everytime we sing "Africa" by Toto on nights when we go out for karaoke. I told him I'd take the higher harmony. The first time we did it, we were doing well until I cracked a little bit right at the end when it gets WAY up there. I give it up to people like the group Toto, and Straight No Chaser for being able to get up there with ease..haha But last night, we sang it again so I could redeem myself. I told James, at the very end, for him to switch me and take the high road of the song, and in doing so, we nailed it, and I was crack-free. (Which I'm always crack-free, just so you know) :)

I don't have too much else to chat on here about. I'm trying out the new craze known as Twitter. It's better for those who have the internet at their fingertips anytime they want, unlike me who only gets it 2 hours per day, if that.

I gotta go call Central Casting to try and get some jobs setup. Wish me luck!

Can't wait to see my parents! They're coming out here for a week starting on the 21st. I'm pretty stoked about that.

Keep my friend Harvey in your prayers! I hope the doctor visit went well today!! CALL ME DUDE! :)

Well I love and miss you all!

Until next time...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Desperate Housewives

For those of you who haven't heard, I got another extra job, this time on Desperate Housewives. I wish I could give you an air date, but I wasn't told an episode number. Don't quote me, but I'm thinking it might air March 15th. Not for sure though. I think there are only 4 episodes left to air in the season, so what's four shows of watching it to see a familiar face? :)
I played a student in an all-boys prep school. I was wearing a white button down shirt and khakis with a maroon/dark red pullover sweatshirt with a Harry Potter-looking emblem patch.

Let me lead you up to that though.

Tuesday night Kelly left to talk to her friend, even though she didn't want to. So we made up this plan, that if she didn't want to be there, she'd text me a code word and I would call her telling her I needed the car. (Amy wasn't home) So she left, and not 15 minutes later I called the number I was given to check for wardrobe, and whatever else I needed for the shoot on Wednesday. I was told I needed a white dress shirt and light khakis. Well I had no light khakis, only brown dress pants and a white dress shirt that's more like a suit shirt. I wanted a plain white button-down. Anyhoo, so I text'd Kelly telling her "funny thing..I actually DO need the car..haha" reply. So I text'd her again, "I need to go buy clothes for tomorrow and I want you to come with me." .....still no response. I wanted her there because she said she could get me a discount at Macy's. I tried then calling her, twice, and no response on either. Macy's closes at 9pm and it's now 8:20pm or so. I have 40 minutes! So I call James to find out if there's a nearby 24-hr Wal-Mart. He gives me an address and phone number of the closest one, being about 10 minutes away, and so I call them. They're only open till 11pm. It's now 9pm, too late to go to Macy's, and still no word from Kelly. I'm a little concerned now, because she's usually good about having her phone on her. I give it time, sit around, and at about 9:45pm, and still no word from her, I give in and call James up. "I need a huge favor, and I'm so sorry, but can you take me to Wal-Mart?" He replied, "Yes, I'll be there in a bit." I feel terrible for asking him, especially because it's almost 10pm, karaoke started at 9:30, I figured he was going to go, I was keeping him from that, I am without my own car. I wasn't going to go to Ireland's because I had a 7am call time in Pasadena. Well we made it to Wal-Mart by 10. I found a little-bit-too-small-for-me pants, a white button down, and a casual black belt. I had a really dressy one, but I didn't want to wear it, it's too fancy. I bought James a Kit Kat Bar at the register, told him to pick something out. And handed him the last $4 cash I had in my wallet. He dropped me off back at the house and he headed to karaoke. Now that I got my stuff home, I can go to bed, right? WRONG! My shirt is as stiff as cardboard, so I need to start a load of laundry. It's now around 10:30 or 10:45 and I'm fixing mac 'n cheese, because I've had no dinner, and I've started my load of whites. Not to mention, I need to iron my pants I just bought. By the way, still no sign from Kelly, and Amy's not home yet either. I get a text then from James telling me Matt LeBlanc was there. Then he tells me Cedric Yarbrough is there, he's the guy from such things as Reno 911 and the 40-Year Old Virgin. Then he tells me the guy, who I've seen before, from Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place is there, Richard Ruccolo. What is this, celebrity night at Ireland's?? I HAD to see these guys! So I call Amy, no answer. She then texts me shortly thereafter telling me she's on her way home. I told her we have to go to Ireland's, please take me. She gets me, we get there, I walk up to the front from the back, and walk RIGHT by Matt LeBlanc, aka Joey, standing out front, smoking a cigarette, talking on the phone. He looks a lot different. More gray hair than I've ever seen him have on TV. Then I get inside and am welcomed warmfully by my Ireland's buddies. I then see Cedric, and Richard is up on stage singing. The place is packed. Before I got there I had James sign my name up so I can sing one song and leave. Five or ten minutes into being there, I receive a long text from Kelly telling me that she's so sorry and when she got where she was going she was surprised with them wanting to take her to dinner and she left her phone in the car. I called her and had her put my clothes in the dryer. When my chance came, I sang "The Middle" again and went on my way. I got home, got my clothes from the dryer, put the mac 'n cheese I didn't eat into the fridge and went to bed. It was pushing 1am when I finally laid down, so I just knew 5am was going to come REAL soon.

I got up in plenty of time, put my stuff together, ironed my pants, ate a bagel, and was out the door by 6am. I made it with flying colors a half hour early. They shuttled us over and in that shuttle sat a guy who looked super familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. He was there, just like all of us background actors, dressed the same. I didn't know if I had seen him at another shoot, or had already seen him on TV or a movie somewhere. The day went on, we did some walking in the background, some of us holding backpacks, silently interacting with whoever was next to us as we walked by. If he wanted us to, he would send us back to the other side, and we did this about 5 or 6 takes. The whole time, some of the Housewives cast was right there in front of me. Within about 5 feet of me. Teri Hatcher, Eva Longoria Parker, Marcia Cross, Felicity Huffman, and Kathryn Joosten. They're all really gorgeous in person. We also did a shot outdoors, doing the same thing walking back and forth whenever we were directed to do so. And I was walking RIGHT by the actors. I was right next to them a couple times when we were re-setting. I think I made eye contact with all of them at least once haha. They fed us a feast for breakfast, snacks, and lunch. For breakfast, they had bagels, all kinds of cereals, fruits, donuts, milk, juices, granola was crazy. And for what they called our "snacks" included rice, taquitos, sandwiches, lasagna, a sausage and vegetable mix, guacamole, all KINDS of things. And for lunch, we had steak, chicken, salmon, pasta, salad, bread, vegetables, and dessert. I took a to-go container with me for my dinner :)

Overall it was a fun day, and a lot shorter than the other previous two I've done. This was only an 8-hr day, but I was done by 3pm and headed back home.

I want to wish my Godmother, Suzan Jones, a Happy Birthday! (March 4th)
and I very Happy Birthday to my twin cousins Amber Gibson (March 4th) and Adam Gibson (March 5th)
Also to my friend, and blog reader Chelsea Parham in Indiana (March 5th) and my buddy Matt Armstrong in, I think Georgia (March 5th) a very Happy Birthday to them!

Any questions, please ask!

Until next time...

If you're birthday is on a day or near a day I post, I'll try wishing it to you on here!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Club Kress

First and foremost: HAPPY NEW MONTH! Hard to believe it's March already.

So I went to my first Hollywood club last night. The club was called Club Kress. Our friend Eric's best friend Michelle knew one or two people that were going to put us on a VIP list so we could get in. When we got there, it was pretty busy outside and they were only letting in certain groups at a time. The more girls you had, the better your chances. We were 3 guys and 2 girls. Luckily Michelle, while waiting in line, saw a friend of hers named Ryan. Ryan said "well why don't you guys just come in with us!" Within a couple minutes of him saying that, they let Ryan and his group and us in the gate and we headed downstairs. The place was dark, but with different color lights everywhere and packed tight. There was a huge dance floor in the center of the club. When we headed to the bar, Eric bought our first round of shots. I decided to get a drink after that, so I got a cost me $12. I couldn't believe I was actually paying $12 plus tip for a drink. But I did. Lesson learned. After we danced and hung out at the club, we all headed to Michelle's house and hung out and ate Carls Jr. Such healthy food. And shortly thereafter, James brought me back home.

I didn't get home till after needless to say, I slept in till almost 1pm. That's pretty much the update for now. I'm looking forward to getting my tax forms tomorrow so I can get my refund. I hope I get a lot of money. I could use it. It'll probably go to my credit card payment, or maybe just saved for rent. I'm also tomorrow going to call this place called "Standing Room Only". They pay people $8/hr to sit in an audience of different shows, like Dr. Phil and game shows and such. So I'm going to check that out and hopefully get some of those booked. Tonight is karaoke night at Ireland's so I'm planning on going to it and hopefully doing well.

Until next time...

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Sorry for the delay, folks. It's hard to get on the internet sometimes. I have to go to the library or ask James to bring his phone and hook us up. But, I'm at the library now, so here we go.

For those of you that haven't heard from me, or my parents, I got another job with Central Casting as an extra in an "ER" episode. I believe the air date is March 26th. So set your recorders ;) and if I'm not mistaken, it's the second-to-last episode of the season. It's pretty cool to say I was involved with the last season of ER.

I don't want to give too much away with what I did for you avid watchers of the show. Not that it would, because nothing of it was ER-esque. I expected hospital-like background, with doctors and nurses and patients and such, and yet, I was a camp kid. And we were in a gymnasium. Totally not what I expected. The day ended up being a 13.5 hour day. I got paid for 12.5 hours of it, because the one hour extra was for lunch. What did I do you ask? I got paid to stand and dance. Yes you heard me, I stood there in an orange Hawaiian shirt, with leis, beads, and a nametag hanging around my neck, dancing to salsa music and then a band. So like I said, not very ER-esque. We did take after take after take. The coolest part of it all was seeing all the actors of the show. The first few I saw were John Stamos aka "Dr. Tony Gates", or as I like to call him: Uncle Jesse, Linda Cardellini who plays "Samantha Taggart", Scott Grimes or "Dr. Archie Morris", Laura Cerón who plays "Nurse Chuny Marquez", and Angela Bassett who plays "Dr. Cate Banfield". I saw even more than that, like the Australian doctor David Lyons, Angela Bassett's husband Courtney B. Vance. The guest star: SPOILER ALERT! haha was Tom Arnold. Seeing him caught me completely offguard. Yet another actor, like John Stamos, who I never thought I'd see in person. I was in reaching distance to these actors throughout the day. Said hello to David Lyons. Scott Grimes was singing a song and pointed at me and sang a line. He was the goof of the group. He seems like a really funny guy, and has quite a resemblance to Simon Pegg.

Like I said, I don't want to give away everything I saw and we did. But I will say that I got to witness John Stamos play drums while Scott Grimes sang. They had to do the take over and over and over again, not because of mistakes, but because of all the camera angles they used. You might catch a glimpse or two of me. So definitely check it out on March 26th. Which I do believe is the air date. If that changes, I'll let you all know.

I met a really cool guy named Scott while we were on-set. He, like me, was cast as an "18 years to look younger camp kid". We ended up hanging out all day. He's been on an estimated 200 sets before with all the extra work he's done, so he was telling me about all the different jobs and shows he's done in the past six months or so. He informed me of an extra casting agency where he was getting jobs 7 days a week! He got many opportunities at SAG vouchers and he actually could join SAG now if he wanted to, but with the $2,400 fee to become SAG, and him not having the drive to be a big actor, he's not REAL interested.

I sent out an e-mail to a different extras casting agency, so hopefully I'll hear back from them soon. They are one who they'll call me for jobs, unlike Central Casting where I have to call them.

I'm kind of shorted on time today, I only have about 10 minutes left on here, but I'll try to get on later this evening. I am headed to Central Casting for an open call for an untitled Nancy Meyer's project, starring people like Steve Martin, Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, and John Krasinski. They need upscale-looking people pretty much. It's mostly in what you wear, so I'm going to go in my shirt, tie, dress pants, and slicked-over hair and all they're doing is taking a picture of us from the knee up. Those pictures will be sent to the director, and if I fit the look, they'll contact me and I'll either be working multiple days in April or maybe only one day in April. Depends on the category. So wish me luck! Keep me in your prayers, because I really want this job.

Take care all of you, I'll try updating this again soon.

Until next time...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Hello there my fellow readers. I haven't been able to get on here much recently. Hopefully today will be the last time I have to come to the library to use the internet. Since James brought over another computer, and we placed it on the opposite side of the room, we're hoping to catch a better internet signal there. Kelly says when she had her laptop, she got the best signal on that side of the room. Well she and Amy are going to buy a USB Internet adapter today. We'll plug it into the computer and try to get that up and running. I HOPE! I'm kinda tired of having to drive to the library any day I need to use the internet and only getting it two hours a day. I would rather have it at my fingertips whenever I need it. I just can't afford to buy my own laptop right now, otherwise I could pretty much go anywhere these days and pick up wi-fi.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine's Day weekend. I've never been a fan of the 'holiday'. It's always kind of been a Hallmark holiday to me. But I did celebrate our friend Matty K's birthday that night at the Liquid Zoo. I, oh so lovingly, sang "Love Stinks" by the J. Geils Band. Thought it would be fitting. :)

I forgot to mention something about last week. I was woken up to a knocking at the door. Standing there was a worker saying he had to come in and work on our kitchen and bathroom. But he wouldn't be going into the bedroom or anything like that, just those two places. I was a little confused, because I was never made aware of this. I told him our manager never told us anything about it, or at least never told me about it. I wasn't given any paper a day or two in advance like the last time they kicked us out of our apartment. I then asked him how long he needed in there. He replied with "all day". Are you serious? All day??? We didn't have to leave the apartment, but we were going to be without water all day. This is rediculous. I went ahead and let him in and he went to work moving everything out of his way in the bathroom and kitchen. I guess they were working on the whole apartment complex. This place (for lack of a better word) SUCKS! First asbestos, now water. All within a month of each other. Anyhoo, so I go into the girls' bedroom and ask them if they knew anything about this. "Oh yeah, they have to work on the water, we're going to be without water all day." Nice of them to tell ME! I guess our manager gave Amy a piece of paper about it and he also left a voicemail for Kelly. Niether of which was I told about. So needless to say, I had the brief "we told you didn't" argument. So I couldn't shower, flush the toilet, wash my hands properly, brush my teeth all day. That was such a crappy day. I sat around in the apartment all day, because I couldn't leave with guys coming in and our of the apartment at will. And they did just that. We left the door either unlocked or cracked open all day so they could come in whenever they needed to. I know a couple of the neighbors weren't too happy with it either. I heard them yelling at the guys working.
At about 7pm or so, we got our water finally turned back on, and I immediately jumped in the shower and scrubbed clean along with brushing my teeth thoroughly. In order to wash my hands at all, I had to run bottled water over my hands with the soap. It was difficult.

So hopefully we won't have anymore days like that. I don't have too many exciting stories.

OH! Tuesday night something kind of funny happened. I sang karaoke, as usual. And my third and final song was two from the end. After they finished the karaoke at 1:30 and it was pushing 2 o'clock, I was talking to Sam, Manny, and Louie when this girl approached us and said, "My friend thinks you're really cute and we were wondering..are you into guys or girls?" ....... I wanted to laugh, because that question completely caught me offguard. I told her, "I'm definitely interested in girls." "Ok," she said, "well I might just send my friend over here to talk to you." "That's fine with me," I replied, "I'm up for meeting new people." So I waited there as the girl left and continued talking to the guys and we all kind of laughed it off. Five or so minutes passed and no one came over. I had my back to them when Manny said, "That girl who came over here is talking to two guys." I think she might have been trying to hook me up with a guy, but when I said I was interested in females, plans changed. I don't know for sure, but I think that's what happened. Well it was time to leave and I went and talked to Kelly and that girl was leaving and she said, "My friend was too shy to come talk to you, but you are a really cute guy and seem really nice. Have a nice night!"
That was that. I shook her hand and I went home. That was a strange way to end the night. haha

I received a couple packages from home yesterday. They are always nice to get. One was a Hickory Farms box full of sausage, cheese, crackers, and a little bit of candy to have some snackage. The other was full of DVDs and snack foods my dad picked up at the grocery. I always get so excited opening those! I never know what's going to be in them. Unless of course I tell my parents what to send.

I was just informed we're going to have a little bit of a gathering at the *cough* small *cough* apartment. But it's BYOB, so hopefully we'll get some people to bring us drinks and snacks and we'll just hang out and have a good time. I would much rather spend my time finding a new apartment with the roommates, but I guess another day.....*bangs head on desk*.

My cousin Adam has booked his flight to come visit in April! I'm so pumped for that! Ben and Shayna are supposed to be here the week of St. Patrick's Day aka Ben's Birthday next month! I'm pumped about that! And Joe told me he might be out here next month as well! I LOVE that people are coming to visit! :)

I miss you all. I love you all. Until next time...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Q&A Time!

First and foremost: I would like to give a very special shoutout to my mother. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! It is her fi..*cough*...rst birthday today! ;-) So if you know her, you better wish her a Happy Birthday wish today :)

Now, let's get down to the Q&A. Some of you asked, and here I am to answer.

Peggy Sue Frye from Kokomo, IN asks: "If you could act with any actor/actress, who would it be and why?"

--Great question, Peggy! If I had my choice, it would have to be Will Smith. I am a huge fan of this guy and what he's done with his career. He's an actor/musician/father/husband/role model. He keeps his sanity, unlike a lot of actors out there. You don't hear about him feuding with people or all over the media in a negative way. He's been through it all, starting with his music as the "Fresh Prince" with DJ Jazzy Jeff, to acting on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, to all those movies and blockbuster hits he's starred in on the big screen. He's a loving father and husband. I admire what he does. I admire who he is. I believe he's somewhere at the top of the "Smartest People in Hollywood" (I'm agreeing with a past Entertainment Weekly magazine story). If I ever get to work with him, I will have hit a HUGE goal in my life of acting.
If I had to pick another choice, it would be the cast/crew from movies like Superbad, 40-Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, etc. The Seth Rogen, Steve Carrell, Jonah Hill, Michael Cera crowd. They make some pretty funny stuff.

Pamela Hawkins (aka my mom) from Kokomo, IN asks: "If you could ask advice from any famous person, and you HAD to follow their advice, who would you choose?"

--Tough question. I would like to sit down with one of two people. One being from a director's standpoint. That person would be Steven Spielberg. How could you NOT follow this guy's advice? He's brilliant with what he does. He's been around for years and has been quite successful through his career. From filmmaking, screenwriting, producing, and directing. He's done it all and doesn't usually let people down with his work.
From an acting standpoint, for some reason, Tom Hanks is sticking out in my mind. He's made some great choices when it comes to acting and has been quite successful as well in doing so. The Academy Award Winning actor proves time and time again he knows what he's doing and he's a very intelligent person.

Libby Brewer from Kokomo, IN asks: "What inspired you to choose acting as a possible career?"

--Funny you should ask. I guess after many years of Children's Theatre, Kokomo Civic Theatre, and Tipton Civic Theatre, you'd think I'd follow the same route and head out east to New York or somewhere known for their theatre. However, after a couple years post-IU, I got my first lead in a Kokomo Civic Theatre show, "West Side Story". It was then that I realized I wanted to act. But I didn't necessarily want to do acting in a theatre aspect. I wanted to try TV/movies. I have certain goals I'm wanting in my acting career. I would like to star in hit movies, a successful television series, preferably comedy-style, be a voice-over in a Pixar film, or some sort of animated movie, and win an Academy Award, or at least be nominated. Nothing too out of reach right? haha So I guess it was just years of acting and performing and it's what I love. I enjoy it everytime I do it. Who knows! Maybe when I get into this, I'll realize it really wasn't for me, but they always say: you can do anything you put your mind to, right?

Shayla Caddell (aka my sister) from Noblesville, IN asks: "Have you been to In-N-Out Burger and how big of a burger did you get?"

--This is a wonderful question, and yet a silly one. Of COURSE I've been to In-N-Out. :) It's pretty much a must-do when you're in LA. I got their Double Double Burger. It pretty much is an awesome burger. What I love most about that place is how they do their fries. Every person who orders an order of fries gets one whole potato that they send through a slicer right in front of your eyes into 100% vegetable oil. It's cool to know I'm getting a full potato. A very tasty place if you're ever living out here or visiting. I've only eaten it once since I've lived out here. I had it when I visited Joe back in '04 and once the summer of Shannon's wedding out here.

Peggy Sue Frye from Kokomo, IN asks: "Are you going to be taking any acting classes or special tutoring while you're there?"

--I sure do plan to. As a matter of fact, just last night at karaoke, this guy named Randy informed me he and a couple people are starting up an improv crash-course type of class that will be cheaper than most places out here, and yet people could come out of there and be able to skip a level at certain places. He and his co-starters with this have studied from Second City, which is a very respectable and popular place. I'm going to look into that and also other places. I need to get into a commercial workshop. I want to take acting classes to help improve my acting and any chance I may have to get better jobs down the road.

Peggy also asks: "Even though you've only been gone a few weeks, why does it feel like YEARS?"

--Haha at times, that's definitely a mutual feeling. I already want to come home to visit, but I try to hold back a little bit. No offense to any of you back home, it's just I want to give myself more time out here. It'll make me coming home to visit even better when I do. :)

Thank you so much for your questions!! Keep asking them, for I want to do another one of these soon! I hope I get more questions and even more people asking them.

Until next time...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Middle

Hello my faithful blog readers! I know some of you want to hear the story of my time on-set for my first 'extra' job yesterday, so here ya go:

I was told to arrive by 8am, and the location was Taft High School in Woodland Hills, CA. It was about a 15-minute drive away. I drove for the first time by myself on the 101 and did just fine. I arrived at Taft High School with 15 minutes to spare, but I saw no marked lot that I was to park in. No signs, no nothing. I found a nearby security guard and he told me I was to go down Ventura, take a right on one street, then another right, and I would see signs pointing me in the direction of "The Middle". So I drove about 5 minutes away to Pierce College where there was a huge parking lot for us all to park our vehicles. I then noticed a couple white shuttle buses which were there to take us extras over to the High School. We arrived a few minutes after 8am and got in line to get our voucher we needed to fill out and give to them at the end of the day so we could get paid. Getting paid is definitely a nice thing, as you all know. In line, I met a guy named Kurt and another guy named Cody. This was their first time at the extra thing too, so we were all confused and unsure about what exactly to do. But we were given our vouchers and told to head to wardrobe to see if what we were wearing or what we brought was best to wear on set. I was told to put on my brown, long-sleeved polo over my t-shirt. So I was good to go. We then sat in the holding area, otherwise known as "holding" for a couple hours before we were brought in for the first time. In the down time, I got to know and talk to Kurt and Cody and we swapped stories and talked about California, and acting, and moving there, etc. When they finally called us in, they started seating us in different spots of the camera/lighting/people-infested auditorium. They first placed all three of us guys in the front row, middle aisle before moving Kurt to the second row. I was the second seat in from the middle aisle on the left section of folding chair seats. On stage was a high school show choir, but I never actually found out where they were from. In the background I noticed Neil Flynn, also known as the Janitor from Scrubs. He is playing the dad of the Indiana/Midwestern family in this show. He's really tall in person. Anyway, we were all given programs and were told to enjoy the performance on stage. The show choir was performing to "Get the Party Started" by Pink. Needless to say, after as many takes as we had to go through, the song was in my head all day/night. The workers were moving a lot of people around to match up and mesh colors and looks. Luckily I got to stay in the front row. So they went through the first take and we were moving our heads around and bouncing to the beat a little bit. When they cut, one guy came to me and the lady next to me and told us to react and interact more, including 'fake-whispering' to eachother about what was going on up on stage. Everyone in the audience were supposed to be family members/friends/classmates of the kids on stage, just like going to any high school choir performance. After they told me that, I'm thinking that the back of my head and possibly my profile might be seen if they show the angle they had the camera set to. So I won't get anyone's hopes up, but it's possible. We were in there for awhile when they brought in the "first team", aka Neil Flynn, Patricia Heaton ("Everybody Loves Raymond), and the two sons of the family. They were literally 2 rows back from me, so that was a fun site to see.

Anyhoo, we were sent outside to holding and waited a long while before we got to go back inside. Lunch came around at 12pm and we were fed a feast to say the least. (Doo dah, doo dah) It was delicious! Set up buffett style, they had steak tips, chicken, fish, salad, fruits, veggies, spinach dip, and many other things. It's kind of nice getting paid to sit around all day and then get fed a free huge meal like that. When we finally got back inside, they had re-positioned the cameras/lighting/etc. to shoot from another angle. Before we got started, I noticed they brought in another recognizable actor, and sat him on the right section about two rows back. Chris Kattan ("SNL", "Night at the Roxbury"). He's pretty much as funny in person as he is on TV. I didn't expect to see him so it was pretty cool when I did. The family got to work the dialogue more, while we still bobbed and bounced to the music. We were in there a bit longer hearing all the ACTION! and CUT! and ROLLING! and all the other lingo that comes with filming and working on set, so it was a great experience and really fun to listen to.

We were sent outside and brought in again later in the afternoon/evening. By this time, we 8 o'clockers had already hit the 8-hour mark, so we knew we would go into OVERTIME! Overtime = more $$ :)

That third time going in, I got a little excited because I almost had some serious, yet short, on-camera time. I was told I was going to walk in down the middle aisle to the back row of the auditorium and sit in my seat, all while they were taping. So you'd get to see my backside the whole way down the aisle, because of the position of the camera up on stage. Unfortunately, after one take of that, with many others walking to their seats and sitting down, they scratched it because they decided they didn't like the idea as much as they thought. So instead of that, I got bumped back to the back row, maybe not to be seen on camera, but I guess we'll have to wait.

The day was long, but enjoyable. Turned out to be a 12-hr day of work. So I got paid 4 hours of overtime. I would've stayed 16+ hours had they not been done shooting at 8:30pm. I had a blast, met some new people, saw some more celebrities, and gained some experience of what it's like on set. I hope to get more of these jobs in the near future. I just have to keep calling Central Casting and checking to see if they have any open spots for shows that I fit the part for. Oh yeah, another recognizable actor in the show is Atticus Shaffer ("Hancock", "The Unborn"). I think he's playing one of the sons of the family. I didn't recognize the other son or the daughter, but hopefully I can find that out if they ever post more info about the show online.

So I hope you enjoyed this entry about my first day in extra work. It was a long story, and there are a few details here and there I left out, but nothing too important. The only downside of the show, is that it may not air till this fall. So it could be awhile before we get to see it. It's worth the wait :)

Until next time...

Friday, January 30, 2009

First Central Casting Job!

This will be a quick post, but just to inform everyone, I called Central Casting today and listened to their automated system that reads off possible jobs. There was one listing for a job Wednesday, February 4th. It is for a pilot called "The Middle" on ABC. They were looking for males, who were or looked 18 years or younger, not too tan, not big and muscular, high school-looking, for a show based in Indiana. Tell me how that could not be more perfect!

So I'm booked for that on Wednesday, as an "audience member" for the show. I don't know what I'll be doing, what I'll be wearing, or where I have to be specifically. I'll know all of that Tuesday night.

YAY! Until next time...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Central Casting Member

So I really should get a journal. (yeah I know mom)... But if I had a journal, I could first write it in while things are happening or immediately after they happen and I wouldn't forget so much that has happened inbetween days that I get to get online and update this thing. I could directly read the journal and type in the blog. Oh's on my to-do list.

So as I've said before, Sundays and Tuesdays are karaoke nights at Ireland's. Tuesday came around and I asked the girls if they were planning on going, but they weren't too sure. I got a text from James asking me if we were going because he was going. So he agreed to come get me since the girls didn't want to go. We got there fairly early, about 9:50pm-ish. There were a lot of people at the bar watching and cheering on the Lakers. I was hoping they would lose. But obviously I wouldn't say that too loud around a bunch of Los Angeles-ans...Angelesians...Angeles-ites... I dunno. Anyhoo, so I took forever, as usual, to look at the book and figure out what I was going to sing as my first song. Some people had gotten up there a couple times before James, Joe (his friend I met that night), or me had gotten up there once. So I chose "The Remedy" by Jason Mraz. It's a song I enjoy, but at the same time, I figured people knew it well enough that they would enjoy it. As the night started to progress, the bar started to pack. A BIG group of people came in because one of their friends was moving to Brazil to teach English. A bunch of people signed up for karaoke, so I was hoping that after my first song, I'd get a chance to do my second one I had picked out.

I got up to do "The Remedy", and as I had hoped, a lot of people were dancing, enjoying themselves, singing along, etc. So I thought it was a successful choice. Then while we (me, Joe, James) were sitting at our table, this kind of short, very familiar-looking guy walks up to the book o' songs. I immediately turn to Joe and ask him who this guy is. He recognized him too, and I looked at James, and James was trying to figure it out as well. It hit him. James told me he is in the Big Bang Theory. Simon Helberg is his name. This cast really likes this bar obviously. So I looked around and sure enough, there were Kaylee Cuoco and Johnny Galecki. They brought in a small group as well.

So I had signed up for my second song, "Semi-Charmed Life" by Third Eye Blind. When I, luckily, got up there to sing it, I felt I was doing really well, and I noticed a lot of the crowd was into it. I also noticed Kaylee and a guy were dancing to it, so I thought that was pretty cool. So after I got off the stage, I took a drink of my beer, and after the next person sang, I went up to Kaylee and gave her a high five and told her that she did a great job dancing. She replied with, "Well thanks!" So yeah, that was that. was corny but cool.

The final song of the night was "Piano Man" by Billy Joel. This big group of people got up there to sing. The group included all the people from the Big Bang Theory and their friends. The whole time they were swaying back and forth and back and forth. I stood right up front next to the stage where there's this wooden railing, singing and swaying along. Next thing I know, halfway through the song, Johnny Galecki comes out of the middle of the pack, and reaches his hand out to me and pulls me up on stage! It was quite unexpected to be honest. I sang along with them putting my arms around a guy I met out here named Sam, and Simon from the show, swaying back and forth to some Billy Joel. I noticed Kaylee would step out of the group to turn and take pics of all of us, so I'm sure if I found her MySpace, I might be able to find pics of all of us. So that was a pretty cool thing to happen.

During that night, a girl came up to me and asked me if my name was Brendan. Yes... "You know Joe Cameron, right?" .....Yes... Then I KNEW she looked familiar. Her name is Laura Nargi. I met her through people going to Joe's shows back home! It was crazy to run into her in LA of all places. Anyhoo, we talked a bit. I checked my Facebook today and noticed she tagged me in a pic of me with that big group singing. Kaylee's actually in that pic. She's the blurry blonde up front on the left of the picture.

Anyways, yesterday (Wednesday) James came to pick me up and take me to Central Casting so I could register for that and become an "extra" or "background actor". We stood in a HUGE group of people, listening to all the forms we needed, what we should know about Central Casting, so on and so forth. I had the forms already, thanks to James, and filled them out before I got there. They finally split us into two lines and we turned in our forms and they checked them over, showed them our IDs, then they handed back the forms and we went to the "photo line". I stood in line for about 15-20 minutes and when it was my turn, I paid my $25 photo fee, got my picture taken, and got my papers telling me I am officially registered with Central Casting. I can call everyday looking for jobs. They'll tell me the list available, and if any of them are suited to me, I can immediately then call another number to register for a part. They will tell me the day/time/location of where I need to be and when. I arrive, work for about 8-12 hours that day, and get paid by check the following week. Pretty cool agency.

Well I think I've said plenty for this entry. If any of you have been on Facebook since yesterday, you might have noticed I posted about 11 pictures. I will try posting more very soon.
KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS for my future Q&A entry!!!!

Oh, and the Lakers lost to the Charlotte Bobcats in double OT 117-110 :)

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Price is Wrong

Well hello again. It's been a couple days since I've been able to post, so I apologize for the delay. But here ya go:

So Sunday was pretty fun. Well, Sunday night. We went to Ireland's for the karaoke night. Of course! Unfortunately this time, all my drinks didn't get paid for...haha But I definitely enjoyed myself. I got to sing 3 songs: "Time of Your Life" by Green Day, "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King, and "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies. I met a few new people, which is always fun. At the end of the night, which was at 2am, Kelly, Amy, Christian, Renae, Scotty and I all went back to the apartment to chill and hang out. We ended up watching two movies and was up till past 5am. Stupid...stupid move. That caused Monday to be a day of laziness, except for Kelly who had to get up at 9am and go to work. Amy was up and out briefly, but came home and slept most of the day/afternoon and I laid around and watched TV and napped briefly. So it wasn't much of a productive day.

Today, however, was much more fun. Except for the getting up at 5:30am part. Monday night Kelly talked to Scotty and he was inviting us to go to the Price is Right today and try to get on the show. It's free, you just have to stand in line for a long time. Well I was the only one willing to get up that early. So I got up at 5:30am so I could meet Scott at the bus-stop at 6:30 so we could head to North Hollywood and there take the subway to where we were meeting his friend Jenna. When we met up with Jenna, she drove us to the lot and we met up with their friend Chaz. Both people I just met today on this endeavour. Both very cool people! Chaz is in a band. Jenna's a clothing designer. Both around my age so that's cool. Anyhoo, we walked towards the crowd of people waiting. We each got our ticket with a number on it. Our numbers being 413-416. When they FINALLY called our numbers to get in numerical order and sit on Bench #3 of 5 benches or so, we realized we were pretty much the back of the pack. We had been there for about an hour and a half or so. If you take a big group there, like 15-20 people, you're pretty much guaranteed to get on, but since we were a measly group of 4, we had to wait in line like everyone else. They barely got into the 300's when they came over the intercom telling us they apologize, but we won't be able to get you in for the 1 o'clock show. We could all stay for the 4 o'clock show but we weren't guaranteed we'd get in, we'd just have a better chance. So no Price is Right for us today. Scott was mostly looking forward to having one of the nametags. I'll try again some other time. Oh, and we didn't stay for the 4 o'clock showing because Scott had to get back for work by 2 or 3. So being only 9:30, we decided to head towards the Farmer's Market, which I recommend to anyone that has never been whoever may visit or take a trip to LA. It's made up of a bunch of little shops and min-restaurants, all outdoors. We sat down and had some breakfast and coffee, the four of us. And from there we just hung out at the table we were sitting at and chatted. I met a couple new people and we had a good time. We plan to all hang out again someday soon. Probably by this weekend if we go to Scott's for a Super Bowl party.

Being invited to a couple Super Bowl parties greatly excites me. I've been without TV for 3 weeks now and I missed all football playoffs except for the Colts game before I left for here. And for my Indiana friends, you better believe I'll be rocking the Bob Sanders Colts jersey Sunday I brought with me.

Well I'm going to register, for sure this time, with Central Casting tomorrow. I'm in the process of getting my measurements they need- neck, waist, inseam, etc. And hopefully once I get that setup I'll be getting called for extra work. Tomorrow's also going to be a job searching day. So hopefully sooner rather than later I'll actually have a job.

As always, I love and miss all of you. Thank you for the questions so far! Keep them coming!! Also a lot of you have been wanting me to post pictures. Well, I got all the pics I want to post so far on my flash drive, but the Library won't let you upload them onto their computers, so I'm going to bum internet off of my friend James and get that going and uploaded within the next day or so. Probably tomorrow since I'm going with him to Central Casting.

Until next time...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another Week, Another Package

So I'd like to start this entry by telling about my day yesterday. As I mentioned before, we were told we needed to be out of the apartment from 8am-5pm yesterday. The roomies and I got up, got ready and left by 7:50. For whatever reason, Amy was having a craving for McDonald's breakfast. If you don't know this about me, I RARELY eat McDonald's. But I figured what the heck...I'll join. I truly wasn't going to get anything except some orange juice, but my childhood memories brought me back to the oh-so-popular Egg McMuffin Meal...the #1. So I ate it, and as I thought, I knew immediately it was a bad idea. Felt terrible right away. For my friends who went to St. Pete, it was like going to the Starlite Diner, except with worse food.

From there, we hit the 7-11 for some snacks. From there, we headed to the library to internet it up. I stayed on from 11am-1pm and the girls went from 10:30-noon. They left, while I had another hour, so Kelly could go talk to T-Mobile and run a couple other errands. When they came back to get me, we went to a Vietnamese restaurant called "Pho's 999". Strange title, strange menu, and for you California/restaurant knowledge people, it was the first "B" restaurant we have eaten at, which immediately made Kelly and me apprehensive. Not to mention we had never had Vietnamese. Well Kelly didn't like it one bit, but I got some chicken, shrimp, and squid with white rice spicy dish that was surprisingly good. From there we hit the Sherman Oaks Galleria so Kelly could discontinue her 24 hr Fitness membership. I took a look at DSW for some new shoes, and the two styles I liked, of course they didn't have my size. Maybe another day. We headed to the mall where Kelly works and walked around a bit. It's a pretty decent-sized mall. From there we headed to an amazing coffee shop called "Marie et Cie" where I ordered a sugar-free Vanilla Latte that was actually very VERY good. Kelly and Amy had a business meeting with someone there. We then headed home because it was finally after 5pm and we could go relax in our apartment. We spent the night talking and listening to music and just relaxing.

As for the package, I was waiting on one from home of some things I asked my mom to send me (via USPS this time), and some things I didn't ask for, but was pleased to see. The only problem was, I was expecting it to be delivered yesterday or today. I was hoping for today because yesterday we were out of the apartment all day. When we got home, I saw no notice so I just assumed it didn't get delivered. This morning around 9 or 10am, I called my mom to have her check the status of the package. Come to find out, she said the site told her they "tried to deliver it and left a notice". Again, no one had buzzed or anything telling me they tried to leave it. Sound familiar? So I called the Post Office and their recording said they tried to deliver it FRIDAY! The day I was out of the house all day. So I put on a hoodie and some flip flops and walked to the nearby post office and luckily, they had it. All I had to do was show my ID, and sign for it. Thank goodness that was FAR less of a hassle than last week's package.

Not too much more to discuss...Monday I'm going to register for Central Casting where they hire people to do extra work on set aka background actors. That should bring in some cash here and there whenever they call me with jobs.

I'm going to go enjoy another rainy evening in California. Take care all you readers and followers.

I still need questions, if you have any, for my future Q&A blog entry!! Keep them coming!

Until next time...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rainy Thursday

So I experienced my first California rain this morning since I've been out here. It wasn't a whole lot of rain, but even the littlest bit out here can cause minor flooding here and there. Their draining systems aren't as good as I'm used to back in Indiana. There was a small pond, it seemed, at the corner of Moorpark and Whitsett (where the library is) that stopped my plan of crossing the street to chill at a coffee shop until the library opened. I parked the car at the library with an hour to spare before the library opened. I walked down the sidewalk to the cross-walk. As I stood there, I kept my distance from the corner because of the cars flying by splashing up water. So when I finally got the walk sign, I stopped...starred at the lake in front of me, and decided to forget that. I wasn't going to try to wade through that ocean of a puddle. (yes, the description of the water gets bigger everytime I mention it) So heck with the coffee shop, I'll go home for a few and come back. So I did.

Aaanyhoo, I'm sleeping on an air mattress, if I haven't already said that in a previous entry. If I'm not sleeping on the air mattress, I'm on the loveseat. Why don't I stretch out on the couch? I have no idea. I'm just used to curling up on the comfy leather loveseat. Anyway, my point is that stupid mattress keeps deflating on me... I wake up and it's nowhere NEAR the fullness it was when I filled it up when I laid down to sleep on it. That is starting to bug me. So heck with the air mattress, I'll steal one of Kelly's mattresses/mattressi (whatever) from her bed that she's willing to give me. She has a king-sized mattress on top of a queen-sized mattress is how she described her bed.

I'm still job/car/internet/tv-less. We're working on it. My cousin filled me in on a couple restaurants I should apply to on the Universal Walk. Hard Rock Cafe and Saddle Ranch. She says people who work at Saddle Ranch make a killing! That'll at least tide me over till I start acting.

Speaking of which, headshots WILL be taken soon. Thus, I will sign up and post one on Central Casting and try getting some extra work.

My day today doesn't really have anything exciting about it. Tomorrow, Kelly has already planned out our day. OH! And speaking of tomorrow, our apartment manager came down and handed us a paper stating we must leave our apartment from 8am-5pm tomorr0w (Friday) for their Asbestos cleaning............seriously??? Asbestos!?! Somewhere in the apartment complex, they'll be cleaning and fixing all that. But they'll be working on the walls and entry way of the floor we live on. So tomorrow's not going to be much fun not being in the house from 8am-5pm (11am-8pm Indiana time). Although, a day outside doing productive things will probably be very nice.

Keep reading and posting! Soon I want to do a blog of Q&A. So feel free to ask me, by posting a comment, as many questions as you want, and I will answer the best ones, or the most popular ones, and if I don't have that many, I'll just answer them all!

Until next time...